15 Mins Full-Body HIIT Workout

The next program we have for you is our 15-minute full-body HIIT workout. Let’s take a look at what HIIT is and how you can use it to take your workout to the next level.

What Is HIIT?

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is an exercise technique that involves alternating quick bursts of high-intensity cardio exercises with periods of low-intensity activity or rest. These short explosive bursts of activity are said to activate certain responses within your cells which increase the effectiveness of the workout, stimulating greater weight loss and promoting lean muscle growth.

HIIT sessions are usually short, lasting anywhere between 10 to 30 minutes. The short periods of high-intensity activity usually last between 20-40 seconds, followed by a brief recovery period which may involve walking, dynamic stretching, or jogging lightly.

The key to an effective HIIT workout is pushing your body almost to the point of failure. A useful rule of thumb is aiming to achieve 80% of your maximum heart rate (which can be estimated by subtracting your age from 220). 


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Why Add HIIT To Your Workout?

Here are some medical benefits associated with adding HIIT to your workout.

  • Studies have shown that HIIT is a more effective method of weight loss than normal cardio. For example, a 20-minute HIIT session burns as many calories as a 45-minute cardio or strength training session.
  • HIIT heightens your basal metabolic rate (BMR). Your BMR is the amount of energy your body spends on just keeping you alive (similar to an idling car). HIIT activates certain cellular responses which put your body in what is called a state of Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC).

An EPOC state means that for a short period (usually about 12 to 48 hours) your BMR increases significantly, causing you to consume a higher amount of calories than normal, helping you lose weight even when you’re not exercising.

  • HIIT exercises are effective for anyone, irrespective of their level of fitness. Certain studies have shown that HIIT is more advantageous for people with poor cardiovascular health, as long as they stick to levels of physical activity which they can tolerate.
  • This form of exercise is great for strength training too, with research showing that HIIT is an effective way to boost your muscle power and peak performance.
  • HIIT can be easily adapted to full-body, compound exercises that focus on a range of functional movements.

What Is a Full-Body Workout?

A full-body workout is an exercise routine that targets your six main muscle groups (arms, legs, core, chest, shoulders, and back) in a single session. Isolation exercises (also called a split routine) on the other hand only focus on one (or sometimes two) of these major muscle groups in a single session.

5 Amazing Full Body Exercises for Your HIIT Workout

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1. Up + Out Jacks – 3 Sets, 40 Seconds

Up + Out Jacks are great for starting your routine. Make sure to wear hair ties or hair wraps to keep your hair secure and out of your face during the movement.

  • Start in a standing position with your feet together and your arms above your head.
  • Jump into the air while kicking out your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart and bring your arms out by your sides so that you land in this stance.
  • Jump again and this time return to the starting stance with your feet together and your arms by your side.
  • Repeat this exercise for three sets of 40 seconds each.
Up + Out Jacks

2. Push Up + Tap Combo – 3 Sets, 40 Seconds

This is a great way to tone your upper body.

  • Start in a push-up position on the mat.
  • Perform a standard push-up and return to the starting position.
  • While holding this position, tap your right shoulder with your left hand.
  • Perform the same motion but this time tap your left shoulder with your right hand.
  • Repeat this exercise for three sets of 40 seconds each.
Push Up + Tap Combo

3. In + Out Squat Hops – 3 Sets, 40 Seconds

This is a twist on the standard squat which helps recruit more of your leg muscles. Adding ankle weights is an excellent way to increase intensity.

  • Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Lower yourself into a full squat.
  • Return to the starting position and add a jumping motion at the end while kicking out your legs to the side.
  • Repeat this exercise for three sets of 40 seconds each.
15 Mins Full Body HIIT Workout - In + Out Squat Hops
15 mins Full body Hiit Workout

4. Inchworm Bear Hop – 3 Sets, 40 Seconds

This is a great full-body exercise that recruits many major muscle groups. If this is too easy, try adding a weighted vest to add challenge to the movement, effectively targeting the core, shoulders, and legs for a more comprehensive workout.

  • Start in a standing position.
  • Reach down towards the ground with your arms while keeping your feet planted in one spot.
  • Walk on your hands away from your fixed feet until you enter a plank position.
  • Bring in both knees under you then jump back into a standing position.
  • Repeat this exercise for three sets of 40 seconds each.
15 Mins Full Body HIIT Workout - Inchworm Bear Hops

5. Boxer Burpee – 3 Sets, 40 Seconds

Burpees are a great way to exercise both your upper and lower body.

  • Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Lower yourself into a squat and place your hands on the floor.
  • Kick or step out with both your feet to enter a high plank position.
  • Return to a squat by pulling your feet in and then return to a standing position.
  • Perform a boxing motion with both arms.
  • Repeat this exercise for three sets of 40 seconds each.

Incorporating resistance band can provide additional resistance during the punching motion, engaging the upper body and core muscles more effectively.

15 Mins Full Body HIIT Workout - Boxer Burpee

Tips on How To Get the Most From Your Workout

Here’s some advice on how you can improve your full-body HIIT workout.

Pay Attention to Your Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition

Nutrition is a big part of your workout routine and we’re talking about more than just calorie counting and healthy fats. What you eat immediately before and after a workout goes a long way in determining your performance during that session.

Some useful tips include:

  • Loading up on carbs right before a workout. This includes snacks like nuts and raisins, oatmeal, Greek yogurt, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, brown rice, granola bars, and bananas. This helps give you the energy you need to complete a set and prevents episodes of low blood sugar during workouts.
  • Taking some high-quality protein after your workout stimulates muscle growth and promotes healing. Some good sources of post-workout protein are protein shakes, eggs, chicken, salmon, cottage cheese, tuna, and protein bars.
  • Fluids are also important since dehydration can lead to cramps, but don’t drink too much water during a workout as this can be dangerous as well. The American Council on Exercise recommends that you should take 7 to 10 ounces of fluid (about a cup) every 10 to 20 minutes while exercising.

Add Dynamic Stretching to Your Workout Routine

Dynamic stretching is a form of stretching that involves continuous, functional motions instead of simply extending or flexing a muscle. Dynamic stretching is perfect for HIIT since it’s a great low-intensity activity that you can mix into your workout. Some good examples include walking lunges, torso twists, arm circles, and high kicks.

Focus on Your Form

Sometimes full-body exercises can be a bit complex since they recruit several muscle groups simultaneously. Therefore, good form is the best way to get the best out of your workout and prevent injury. Some signs of poor form include feeling soreness in the wrong muscles after a workout, cramps, frequent injury, and unusual levels of discomfort during an exercise. If you notice any of these, stop and reassess your form before continuing.

Add Some Challenge

HIIT is all about challenging yourself. Some great ways of doing this include shortening your rest time, performing more reps, performing faster reps, and adding some resistance to your workout with free weights, medicine balls, and resistance bands.

Don’t Be Ashamed To Rest Between Sets

Full-body workouts can be intense, especially with HIIT. Don’t be ashamed to take a break if you feel over-exerted. You’re aiming to achieve only 80% of your maximum heart rate. An interval timer can be incredibly useful for managing rest periods between exercises during your workout.

A good way to gauge your level of exertion is by how winded you are after a workout. If you’re too breathless to hold a conversation, take a break. On the other hand, if you can still sing then the workout might not be intense enough.

15 mins full body hiit workout


  • Why are full-body exercises better than isolation exercises?

Full-body workouts offer several key benefits such as being better for weight loss, safer, more convenient for people who have limited workout time, allowing for greater flexibility, and are more efficient because they mimic real-life functional motions.

  • Does HIIT only work for cardio?

HIIT is better suited for cardio and poorly adapted for strength training. This is because the short rest periods during HIIT never truly let your muscles recover. Also, it focuses on full-body workouts while isolation exercises are more effective for pure muscle growth.

  • Should You Do HIIT every day?

No, HIIT workouts should be done only 2-3 days a week. This gives your body enough time to recover for the next workout and reduces the risk of injury.

Using a workout planner can help you stay organized and track your workout, ensuring you consistently achieve your fitness goals and maintain a balanced exercise routine.


Full-body exercises are a great way to boost your overall fitness and are perfect for weight loss. HIIT training is another way to take your full-body workout routine to the next level. Remember that fitness is a way of life – so eat right, sleep right and lift right.

15 Minutes Full body Workout


I am a fitness enthusiats who is passionate about exercising, eating well and living a healthy lifestyle. Come along with me as I share some of my favourite exercise and fitness tips with you.

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