Effective No-Jumping Apartment-Friendly Cardio Workout – Silent Strength

No jumping Cardio workout

Cardio is a great way to improve your fitness and overall health. However, not everyone has the luxury of wide open spaces or sound-proof walls.

So what do you do when you need to get a workout but you don’t want to deal with frequent noise complaints? Well, you try out our Pamela Reif-inspired apartment-friendly, no-jumping cardio workout. 

Let’s go through this amazing exercise routine, break down the benefits of adding cardio to your fitness plan, and answer your most pressing questions about this form of exercise.

What Is a Cardio Exercise?

Cardiovascular exercises, also called cardio, aerobic exercise, or cardio-respiratory exercise, refers to rhythmic physical activity that increases the body’s heart rate and breathing rate. Cardio exercise improves circulation and breathing, is great for weight loss, and has a ton of other useful benefits.

Examples of Cardiovascular Exercises

Here are some common examples of cardio exercises:

  • Running
  • Jogging
  • Cycling
  • Swimming
  • Jump Rope
  • Rowing
  • Elliptical training
  • Stair climbing
  • Dancing
  • Boxing
  • Hiking
  • CrossFit

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Benefits of Adding Cardio To Your Routine

Here’s why cardio exercises should be a part of any balanced fitness routine.

Aerobic exercises are effective for weight loss. Despite some recent negative press, cardio is an effective way to lose weight. A typical aerobic exercise session burns more calories than a weightlifting session.

Combining cardio with resistance training is a great way to optimize your weight loss routine by burning calories and building lean muscle at the same time.

Cardio improves sleep. There is solid evidence that exercise improves both sleep quality and sleep duration. Moderate-intensity cardio exercise was found to increase the amount of deep sleep, also called slow-wave sleep.

The mind and body rejuvenate during slow-wave sleep, which explains why regular exercise improves sleep quality. However, the timing is very important. Most sources recommend a 30-minute cardio session about 1 to 2 hours before going to bed for maximum results. 

Cardio exercise is great for your mental health. Virtually all forms of exercise are great for your mood and focus, but cardio exercise is particularly effective. Possible explanations include its ability to trigger the release of “feel good” chemicals like endorphins and increase blood flow to the brain.

Another possible answer is the release of hormones like norepinephrine during exercise which helps the body deal with stress, which is why cardio is a great method for relieving stress.

Reduces the risk of heart disease. One key advantage of cardiovascular exercise is its ability to reduce your risk of heart disease by improving heart and lung function, decreasing the level of harmful fats in the blood, and improving oxygen delivery throughout the body.

Researchers have found that about 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week (exercise intensity that allows you to talk but not sing) reduces the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 22%- 25%.

Despite these amazing benefits, cardio exercises are often misrepresented in certain fitness circles. One of the reasons behind this undeserved negative reputation is the rise in popularity of recent HIIT and strength training.

Another reason is that the long-term benefits of cardio exercise are mostly on the inside, while the effects of strength training are more visible.

However, the benefits of cardio exercises cannot be overemphasized and the best way to get the best out of your fitness routine is to combine cardio with other forms of exercises such as HIIT and strength training.

Best Cardio home workout for Women

Seven Effective Silent Cardio Workout

Cardio workouts involve a lot of movement, so make sure you’re wearing a pair of comfortable workout footwear and breathable activewear.

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1. Parcel Up & Down – 30 seconds

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands fully stretched above your head.
  • Reach down towards the floor in between your legs by bending your knees
  • Return to the starting position
  • Perform this exercise for 30 seconds.
Cardio workout for women - Parcel up & down

2. Squat Knee to Elbow – 2 sets, 30 seconds

  • Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart then lower yourself into a squat.
  • Stand and lift one knee towards the opposite elbow.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Perform this exercise for 2 sets of 30 seconds each.
Cardio for weight loss - Squat knee to elbow

3. Squat + Arm Circle – 30 seconds

  • Start in a standing position with your arms stretched out fully above your head.
  • Lower yourself into a sumo squat while at the same time sweeping your arms down and out to meet in the middle between your legs like you are drawing a huge circle.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • If you want to add a bit of challenge to the workout you can hold a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells.
  • Perform this exercise for 30 seconds.
No equipment cardio - Squat + arm circle

4. Silent Burpees – 4 sets, 30 seconds

  • Begin in a standing position.
  • Lower yourself into a squat, then lean forward to place your hands on the floor.
  • Move both feet back into a plank.
  • Return to the squat position and then stand up.
  • Remember not the jump.
  • Perform this exercise for 4 sets of 30 seconds each.
Cardio for beginners - Silent burpees
Neighbor-friendly Cardio workout for Women at home

5. Bicycle Crunch – 30 seconds

  • Lie with your back on a comfy fitness mat, hands behind your head.
  • Engage your core.
  • Alternate bringing your elbow towards the opposite knee.
  • Place a resistance band at knee level if you want to make the workout more intense.
  • Perform this exercise for 30 seconds.
Ab workout at home - Bicycle crunch

6. High Spider Plank – 30 seconds

  • Start in a high plank position.
  • Bring one knee towards your elbow on the same side.
  • Return to starting position
  • Perform the same movement on the other side.
  • Perform this exercise for 30 seconds.
Equipment free workout - High spider plank

7. Reverse Crunch – 30 seconds

  • Lie on your back, hands beside your hips.
  • Engage your core.
  • Lift your hips off the ground by contracting your lower abs.
  • Lower them back down.
  • Perform this exercise for 30 seconds.
Lower ab exercise - Reverse crunch

For more insight, you can check out the video below.

Commonly Asked Questions Regarding No-Jumping Workouts

Is a no-jumping cardio effective?

Yes, this form of cardio is quite effective. Any form of exercise that increases the heart rate and breathing rate at least 50% above the normal for 10 minutes is considered cardio, even if it does not involve jumping.

So monitoring your heart rate with a fitness watch is a great way to keep track of your heart rate during a cardio session.

Can you lose weight without jumping during an exercise?

Yes, no-jumping cardio exercises are a great way to lose weight. The muscles of the legs are quite large, which means they burn a lot of calories. However, there are several other ways to involve your leg muscles aside from jumping. These include exercises like squats, burpees, the high spider plank, and bicycle crunches. 

How does cardio affect my body?

Cardio exercises activate your muscles. This means that your muscles need more energy which they get by burning calories.

Your body responds by increasing your heart rate and breathing rate, supplying your muscles with more oxygen and nutrients so they can get the energy they need. This process promotes weight loss and it is healthy for the heart, lungs, and the brain.

Is low-impact, no-jumping cardio good for beginners?

Yes, low-impact no-jumping cardio workouts are great for beginners or people who cannot perform more intensive exercise due to injuries or underlying health conditions.

How long do I need to do a cardio workout for best results?

This depends on several factors like your fitness goals, age, health, and available time. Most medical professionals advise that you perform at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise per week on at least three separate days.

If you are a beginner, older than 60, or have underlying health conditions you can start with a 10-minute session and gradually increase the duration as you adapt.

No Jumping Cardio Workout

How To Optimize Your Cardio Routine

Add HIIT to your routine. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is an exercise technique that involves quick bursts of intense cardio exercise alternated with short recovery periods.

A 20-minute HIIT session burns as many calories as a 45-minute cardio or strength training session, meaning this form of cardio is better at stimulating weight loss and promoting lean muscle growth.

Use your arms. Most people assume cardio only involves exercises like jogging, basting, cycling, stair climbing, and jump rope.

However, you can increase the intensity of your cardio workout by carrying out exercises that involve the arms as well. These include swimming, burpees, and squat with arm circles.

Alternate with strength training. Many fitness enthusiasts argue over which form of training is more effective; cardio or strength training. The truth is that each form of exercise has its benefits and shortcomings, but there is no reason why you can’t combine both.

For example, you can perform a cardio session before your strength training routine or on your off days between your strength training routine. This allows you to enjoy the benefits of both forms of exercise.

Increase the intensity. Just like with strength training, to continue seeing optimal results you have to increase the intensity of your cardio workout regularly.

This is because the human body quickly adapts and becomes more efficient, meaning that it consumes fewer calories when performing that particular level of exercise intensity.

Great ways of increasing the intensity of your cardio workout include adding free weights, Increasing the duration or number of reps during your workout, adding variety by regularly adding new exercises to your routine, or using a weighted jacket.


Low-impact cardio exercises are great for getting your recommended dose of exercise if you don’t have access to a lot of space or have to worry about bothering the neighbors. They’re effective, safe, and silent. Take the leap (without the jump) and let our low-impact, no-jumping, apartment-friendly workout transform your fitness routine.

Neighbor-friendly cardio workout

30 Minutes No-Repeat Full-Body High-Intensity Home Workout – No Equipment

FIERCE Full Body HIIT Workout

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a revolutionary training technique that has been all the hype for the last few years. Let’s take a look at how you can capitalize on this exciting training method to get the best out of your full-body workout.

What Is HIIT?

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is an exercise technique that involves quick bursts of intense cardio exercise alternated with short recovery periods. The short bursts of explosive exercise helps recruit the anaerobic respiratory system.

This turns an ordinary cardio session (aerobic exercise) into a mixture of both aerobic and anaerobic exercise, stimulating greater weight loss and promoting lean muscle growth.

A HIIT session may last anywhere between 10 to 30 minutes. The short periods of high-intensity activity usually last between 20-40 seconds, followed by a brief recovery period which may involve walking, stretching, or jogging lightly.

There are several medical benefits associated with adding HIIT to your workout. They include:

  • It helps you lose weight in less time. A 20-minute HIIT session can help you burn as many calories as a 45-minute cardio or strength training session.
  • HIIT also helps you lose weight more efficiently. This is because the training technique puts your body in what is called a state of Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC).

This term simply means that for a short period (usually about 12 to 48 hours) your body consumes a higher amount of calories than normal, helping you lose weight even when you’re not exercising.

  • HIIT is also great for building your stamina by increasing your lung capacity and blood flow throughout your body, as well as improving cardiovascular health.
  • Some studies have shown that HIIT improves bone health too.
  • It’s great for relieving stress too.


Silent Strength: Effective No-Jumping Apartment-Friendly Cardio Workout

The Best Full Upper Body Workout with Dumbells to Tone & Sculpt

Full Body Strength Workout with Dumbbells

Full Body Mini Resistance Band Workout

Why Full Body Exercises are the Best for General Fitness

A full-body workout is an exercise routine that targets your six main muscle groups (arms, legs, core, chest, shoulders, and back) in a single session. Isolation exercises (also called a split routine) on the other hand only focus on one (or sometimes two) of these major muscle groups in a single session.

There is a decades-old battle between the supporters of both forms of exercise, with each side providing reasonable points. However, at the core of the issue is the fact that full-body workouts have several key benefits such as being better for weight loss and relatively safer because you are exercising your entire body.

They are also more convenient for people who have limited workout time, allowing for greater flexibility, and are more efficient because they mimic real-life functional motions.

Always make sure to wear workout outfit, grab a towel for wiping away sweat, and strap on my fitness tracker to monitor my progress and stay motivated throughout the session.

9 Full-Body Exercises To Elevate Your Workout Routine

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1. Tricep Push-Up – 1 Set, 40 Seconds

This is great for your triceps and core.

  • Start in a low plank with your core engaged and your forearms and palms flat against the floor while pointing forward.
  • Using only your arms, lift yourself into a push-up position.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat for 40 seconds.
Full Body HIIT Workout - Tricep Push Up

2. Russian Twist – 1 Set, 40 Seconds

The exercise takes some skill but is super effective. Holding the medicine ball adds resistance, increasing the challenge and engagement of your core muscles as you twist from side to side, resulting in a more effective abdominal workout.

  • Lay on the floor, flex your hips so your knees are pointing straight up, and flex your knees.
  • Lift your head, tuck in your chin slightly, and engage your core.
  • Alternate between rotating your upper body to the right and left of your legs while keeping your lower body stable.
  • Repeat for 40 seconds.
Full Body HIIT Workout - Russian Twist

3. Plank Tap – 1 Set, 40 Seconds

Plank taps are a great way to tone your upper body.

  • Start in a high plank position with your back straight, palms pointing forward, and your core engaged.
  • While holding this position, tap your right shoulder with your left hand.
  • Perform the same motion but this time tap your left shoulder with your right hand.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
Full Body HIIT Workout - Plank Tap illustration

4. Pop Squat – 1 Set, 40 Seconds

Pop squats add explosive motions to your workout and kick your body into anaerobic respiration.

  • Start in a standing position with your feet close together.
  • Lower yourself into a squat position with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart.
  • Quickly return to the standing position and add an explosive jump as you bring your feet together.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.

Adding a plyometric box allows you to deepen the squat and explode upwards with more power, increasing the intensity of the exercise and enhancing lower body strength and explosiveness.

Full Body HIIT Workout - Pop Squat

5. Curtsey and Squat – 1 Set, 40 Seconds

Pay attention to your form even as you try to create rapid, explosive motions. If this too easy for you, place the resistance bands around your thighs add challenge.

  • Start in a standing position with your feet about shoulder-width apart.
  • Perform a curtsy lunge by crossing your right foot behind your left foot and entering a lunge position with your left thigh parallel to the ground.
  • Return to the starting position and then lower yourself into a squat.
  • Perform this same motion with the opposite leg.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
Full Body HIIT Workout - Curtsey and Squat
FIERCE Full Body HIIT Workout illustration

6. Sumo Pulses – 1 Set, 40 Seconds

These are short, explosive squats that are great for your lower body. Adding weights enhance both the resistance and effectiveness of the exercise.

  • Start in a standing position.
  • Lower yourself into a squat with your legs slightly more than shoulder-width apart and your knees pointing outwards.
  • Rise back up only halfway and then return to the full squat again.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
Full Body HIIT Workout - Sumo Pulses

7. Mountain Climber – 1 Set, 40 Seconds

Remember to keep your core engaged throughout this exercise.

  • Start with a high plank position with your back straight and core engaged.
  • Bring your right knee forward underneath you as close to your right arm as possible.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the process with your left knee and left arm.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
FIERCE Full Body HIIT Workout - Mountain Climber

8. Super V Squeeze – 1 Set, 40 Seconds

Get ready to exercise your core, back, legs, and arms with this exercise.

  • Start by laying facedown on the mat with your arms and legs outstretched.
  • Lift your arms, legs, head, and upper torso off the mat and hold this position for several seconds.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
Full Body HIIT Workout - Super V Squeeze -

9. Bicycle Crunch – 1 Set, 40 Seconds

Bicycle crunches combine several functional movements, making them great for a full-body workout. Adding ankle weights can increase the resistance on your legs during bicycle crunches

  • Lie down with your back flat against the ground, your arms behind your head, and your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Engage your core and lift both legs off the floor while extending your hips and flexing your knees slightly.
  • Bring your right knee to your chest by flexing your right hip and knee while at the same time lifting your left shoulder blade off the floor until your elbow and knee almost meet.
  • Alternate this step by using your left leg and right arm.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
FIERCE Full Body HIIT Workout - Bicycle Crunch

3 Tips on How To Get the Best Out of Your Full-Body HIIT Workout

a. Pay Attention to Your Nutrition Before and After a Workout

This involves maintaining more than just a healthy diet. To get the best out of each session it’s a good idea to take a lot of carbs before the workout (known as carb-loading). Research has shown that this gives your muscles the extra boost they need to make it through the workout. This could include nuts and raisins, oatmeal, Greek yogurt, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, brown rice, granola bars, and bananas.

Also, taking protein after a workout is good for promoting muscle growth and speeding up the healing process. Protein shakes, eggs, chicken, salmon, cottage cheese, tuna, and even a protein bar are all great sources of protein for your workout.

b. Increase the Intensity of Your Workout Gradually

While full-body HIIT workouts are great for building muscle, losing weight, and improving your overall health, they are more intense than most people are used to. Therefore scaling up the intensity of the workout gradually is the best way to get the best out of each session and prevent injury.

You can do this by adding a bit of extra challenge to your workout every week or two. This could involve gradually shortening your rest periods, performing more reps, increasing the speed of each rep, and adding some extra resistance with free weights, resistance bands, foam rollers, or a medicine ball.

c. Finish Your Workout With a Bit of Cardio

An extra bit of cardio after your workout goes a long way. This is because recent studies have shown that performing cardio after aerobic exercise is more effective for weight loss than performing cardio first. Also, performing cardio first tires out your muscles before your full-body workout, leading to less-than-optimal results.

Full Body HIIT Workout


  • How many times a week should you do HIIT?

Ideally, you should not perform more than 2-3 HIIT sessions a week. This gives your muscles time to recover and allows you to perform optimally at the next workout session.

Monitoring your heart rate with fitness tracker during HIIT workouts can help you gauge intensity levels and track your progress over time, ensuring you’re pushing yourself effectively.

  • Is HIIT good for building muscle or losing weight?

HIIT is not the best technique for building lean muscle. This is because the short rest periods never truly let your muscles recover. Also, it focuses on full-body workouts while isolation exercises may be more effective for pure muscle growth.

Using resistance bands, jump rope, kettlebells, and a plyometric box in your workouts provides a versatile and effective approach to building muscle and losing weight.

However, it is great for weight loss because it increases your basal metabolic rate for several days after the workout. This means that your body burns more calories than normal, even when not actively exercising.

  • Can I start with HIIT if I´m overweight or just getting started with exercising?

HIIT workouts require a lot of jumping which rapidly increases your heart rate within a short period of time. This can cause a lot of stress for your body, especially if not done well. Resulting in exhaustion or fatigue, which can make you give up on your fitness journey. So to avoid this from happening, it’s best to start with low-intensity workouts for a few months before gradually working your way to a high-intensity workout.

  • Does building lean muscle help you lose weight?

Building lean muscle is a great way to lose weight. This is because muscles are highly active tissues that require a large amount of calories to sustain, while at the same time the process of building these muscles also requires a significant amount of energy.

However, weight loss involves much more than just building muscle. Paying attention to your diet, sleeping habits, and cardiovascular health through activities such as walking, jogging, and running is very important.


HIIT full-body exercises are a great way to take your workouts to the next level. However, don’t forget to start small and gradually increase the intensity as you progress, pay attention to your workout nutrition, and have fun.

FIERCE full body Hiit Workout

Lose Belly Fat with Chloe Ting Abs in Two Weeks Challenge Illustration

Get Abs in 2 weeks

If you’ve struggled to get flat abs but can´t seem to make any progress, these quick workout routine will guide you step-by-step on how to loose belly fat and get the abs of your dreams.

For quick results, it’s recommended to do these workouts at least five times a week for two weeks straight.

To add intensity in your workout, using a kettlebell or dumbbell can be highly effective that burns calories and engages your core muscles, helping to reduce belly fat.

You should also cut out excess calories and replace unhealthy foods with healthier foods that are high in fiber which will help you lose weight faster.

Incorporating greek yogurt, avocados, leafy greens, berries, and lean chicken breast into your diet can help you lose belly fat. These foods are high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats, which promote satiety, boost metabolism, and support muscle maintenance while being relatively low in calories.


15 Mins Full-Body HIIT Workout

Strength in Motion: Unleash Your Potential With This 12-Minute Upper Body Resistance Band Workout

Sculpt Your Abs: Easy Neck & Back-Friendly 10-Minute Ab Workout With No Equipment

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1. Leg Raise Clap – 1 set, 30 seconds

This exercise is great for your core and is a great way to involve both your lower and upper abdominal muscles.

  • Lie flat on your back with your arms close to your sides and your palms facing up.
  • Inhale deeply through your nose and lift your legs off the floor as high as you can go while also lifting your shoulder blades as far off the floor as you can while still keeping your lower back flat against the floor, (i.e. a crunch).
  • Lightly clap your hands together under your legs while you do this and hold this position for 2-3 seconds.
  • Slowly return to the starting position remembering to exhale and keep your legs and back as straight as you can.
Abs in 2 weeks - Leg Raise Clap

2. Reverse Crunch Leg Extension – 1 set, 30 secs

Reverse crunches are super effective because they primarily target the abs and don’t cause any strain on your upper spine. They are similar to traditional crunches, except you keep your legs stretched.

  • Lie down with your back flat against the ground and your arms palms down by your side.
  • Start with both your knees and hips extended making your legs almost parallel to the floor but slightly raised.
  • Pull your legs towards your body by flexing your knees and hips until both form 90° angles.
  • Then engage your core muscles and extend both legs straight above you while lifting your hips off the floor using your abdominal muscles.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat this exercise several times.

An exercise bench can be highly beneficial on this exercise as it provides support and stability, allowing you to maintain proper form and focus on engaging your core muscles effectively during the workout.

Abs workouts in 2 weeks - Reverse Crunch

3. Spider Plank – 1 set, 30 seconds

You can perform this exercise with either a high or low plank.

  • Start in a plank position with your body in a straight line, your arms under your shoulders, and with your feet about hip-width apart.
  • Keeping your hips as level as possible, swing your right knee forward to (almost) touch your right elbow.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat this process with your left knee and left elbow.
  • Continue this pattern for a series of repetitions.
Abs workout at home - Spider Plank

4. Crossbody Mountain Climbers – 1 set, 30 seconds

Remember that breathing is an important part of training your core. Inhale while contracting, exhale while relaxing.

  • Start with a high plank position with your back straight, abdominal muscles fully engaged, your hands underneath your shoulder, and your head neutral.
  • Bring your right knee forward underneath you as close to your left arm as possible while tightening your core.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the process with your left knee and right arm.
  • Repeat the process for several sets and remember to control your breathing and engage your core muscles.

Adding sliding discs will allow you for smooth movement on various surfaces, increasing the challenge to your core and stabilizer muscles as you perform the exercise.

Abs exercises - Mountain Climb

5. Russian Twist – 1 set, 30 seconds

The Russian twist takes some skill to master but it’s one of the best exercises for your core. Add resistance by using medicine ball, increasing the intensity of the exercise and effectively targeting your oblique muscles for a more robust core workout.

  • Sit on the floor with your back straight with your legs held together and your knees flexed to a comfortable angle.
  • Lean back into a 45° angle with the floor by lifting your feet slightly off the ground and placing your weight on the sit bones of your pelvis.
  • Keep your knees flexed to a 90° angle, tuck in your chin slightly, and engage your core.
  • In a controlled manner alternatively rotate your upper body to the right and left while keeping your lower body stable.
Chloe ting Abs in 2 weeks - Russian Twist

6. Plank with Hips dips – 1 set, 30 seconds

Keep your next straight and your head in a comfortable position to avoid neck strain.

  • Enter a low plank position with your back straight, your elbows bent beneath you, your feet about hip-width apart, and your core muscles engaged.
  • Keeping your head neutral and your upper body as stable as possible, steadily rotate your hips to the right and dip your lower body almost to the floor while engaging your core.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat this process on the left side.
  • Repeat these motions for several sets.
Get Abs in 2 weeks - Plank with Hips Dips
Get Abs in 2 WEEKS workout illustrations!

7. Plank Jacks – 1 set, 30 seconds

Plank jacks aren’t just great for your core, they’re fun too.

  • Enter a high plank position with your back straight, your arms extended beneath you slightly more than shoulder-width apart, your feet about hip-width apart, and your core muscles fully engaged.
  • While maintaining the high plank position quickly jump both feet out wide to each side and return them to the midline, similar to doing a horizontal jumping jack.
  • Remember to keep your pelvis stable, keep your body straight, and do not raise your hips towards the ceiling.
  • Repeat this exercise for several sets as well.
 Plank Jacks abs workout

8. Up & Down Plank – 1 set, 30 seconds

Alternate quickly between a high and low plank to add some variety to your routine.
Using a pair of push-up bars provide a stable grip, reduce strain on your wrists, and increase the range of motion, making the exercise more challenging and effective for building upper body and core strength.

  • Start in a high plank position with your wrists placed shoulder-width apart, your back straight, and your feet hip-width apart.
  • Descend into a low plank position by first placing your right elbow against the floor and then your left elbow.
  • Return to the high plank position and repeat this process starting from the left side.
  • Perform several repetitions of this exercise.
Up and Down Plank abdominal workout

9. Plank – 1 set, 30 seconds

The world record for longest plank held is nearly 10 hours, but aiming for 60 seconds or more is great for the average person.

  • Enter a low plank position by laying on the floor with your elbows placed flat against the mat at shoulder-width, your back straight, and your hands placed flat against the floor.
  • Engage your core and hold this position for as long as you can.
  • You can repeat this exercise several times with periods of rest in between.
 Plank workout for tight abs

10. Heel Tap – 1 set, 30 seconds

Heel taps are great for your obliques.

  • Lie down with your back flat against the ground and place your feet flat on the ground about hip-width apart with your knees bent.
  • Lift your shoulder blades as high off the ground as you can and engage your core, similar to a crunch.
  • With your arms extended by your side, alternate touching each angle with your hands by moving only your core from side to side.
  • Remember to always keep your shoulder blades off the floor.
Heel Tap Ab workout

11. Straight Leg Crunch – 1 set, 30 seconds

Try to touch the sky with this core-strengthening exercise. Use thick yoga mat provides ample cushioning and support to your lower back, enhancing comfort and stability during this exercises.

  • Lie down with your back flat against the ground and place your legs together straight up above you by flexing your hips.
  • Place your arms in front of you and inhale as you lift your shoulders blades as high off the floor as you can while trying to touch the tips of your toes with your fingers.
  • Exhale slowly as you relax your core and slowly bring your shoulder blades back to the floor.
  • Repeat this process for several sets.
Abs in 2 weeks - Straight Leg Crunch

12. Bicycle Crunch – 1 set, 30 seconds

Bicycle crunches are great because they combine several functional movements.

  • Lie down with your back flat against the ground, your arms behind your head, and your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Engage your core and lift both legs off the floor while extending your hips and flexing your knees slightly.
  • Bring your right knee to your chest by flexing your right hip and knee while at the same time lifting your left shoulder blade off the floor until your elbow and knee almost meet.
  • Alternate this step by using your left leg and right arm.
  • Repeat this exercise for several sets.

Including ankle weights into bicycle crunches can intensify the exercise, targeting the abdominal muscles more effectively and enhancing overall strength and definition in the core area.

Bicycle Crunch Abs in 2 weeks workout

Building your core muscles has numerous advantages besides just looking great. It’s great for your posture, balance, and flexibility too. Utilizing kettlebell or dumbbell for exercises can effectively target core muscles and aid in belly fat reduction.

Remember, abs are also built in the kitchen, which makes it crucial to have a healthy nutritional diet. Opt for a post-workout meal rich in lean protein, such as grilled chicken breast or salmon, paired with complex carbohydrates like quinoa or sweet potatoes to replenish energy stores and support muscle recovery.

You can repeat these exercises up to three times for an extended workout session.

For the video instruction on how to effectively perform this workout, please take a look at Chloe Ting’s popular Abs in Two Weeks workout video.

Chloe Ting's Abs in 2 WEEKS workout!
Get abs in 2 weeks

Nine Quick Workout For Toned Legs, Thighs, and Glutes -With Illustrations

Toned Legs and Butt Workout

As a part of an ultimate shredding program workout series here on the website, it’s time to take a look at another very important group of muscles – your legs and butt. No fitness journey is complete without spending some time working out these muscle groups.

Not only are these some of the most prominent parts of your body, they also contain some of the largest muscles.

So let’s take a look at nine great exercises to build your legs and butt.


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Nine Quick Exercises to Tone Your Legs and Butt in Just Two Weeks

This is an amazing workout you can do in under 10 minutes to exercise your legs and butt. Don’t forget your workout essentials: a water bottle to stay hydrated, resistance bands for added intensity, a towel to wipe off sweat, and a oatmeal topped with sliced bananas and a spoonful of almond butter for a nutritious pre-workout boost.

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1. Curtsy Jump – 1 set, 30 secs

This exercise is a great way to start your workout because it hits all the muscle groups.

  • Start in a standing position with your feet slightly apart.
  • Lower yourself into a reverse lunge position until your front thigh is parallel to the ground, but cross your back leg diagonally behind the front one.
  • Push off with your front heel and return to the starting position.
  • Perform a small jumping motion as you return to a full standing position.
  • Alternate this motion between your right and left legs.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.

Adding bands will burn more on your glutes and inner thighs intensely during my curtsey jumps.

Toned Legs and Butt Workout - Curtsy Jump

2. Reverse Lunge – 1 set, 30 secs on each side

Reverse lunges are great for your glutes and hamstring muscles. It also puts less stress on your knee joint.

  • Start by standing with your hands at your hips.
  • Take a large step backward with your right foot.
  • At the same time lower your hips until your left thigh is parallel to the floor and your left knee is directly over your ankle (forming a 90-degree angle at the knee).
  • Your right knee should be bent at an almost 90-degree angle and pointing toward the floor with only the balls of your feet touching the floor.
  • Return to the standing position by pushing your left heel into the floor.
  • Alternate this motion between both legs.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.

Use workout shoes and a yoga mat to provide comfort and stability during your reverse lunges.

Toned Legs and Butt Workout - Reverse Lunge

3. Squat with Side Kick – 1 set, 30 secs on each side

This is a super effective variation of the standard lunge that helps add even more motion to the exercise.

  • Start by taking a large step to the side with your right leg from a standing position while keeping your left foot in that same spot.
  • Lower your hips until your right thigh is parallel to the floor and your right knee is directly over your ankle, your left leg should be fully extended to the side.
  • Push off with your right foot and return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds on each side.
Squat with Side kick - Toned Legs and glutes Workout

4. Lateral Lunge – 1 set, 30 secs on each side

This exercise requires a bit of balance but is easy once you get the hang of it.

  • Start in a standing position.
  • Balancing on your right leg, lower your torso forward while lifting your fully extended left leg straight up behind you.
  • At the peak of the position, your body should be in a straight line from your head to the bottom of your left foot.
  • Slowly return to the starting position by bringing your left leg forward.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds on each side.

Use ankle weights to intensify your workout and target your leg muscles more effectively.

Toned Legs and Butt Workout - Lateral Lunge

5. Single Leg Deadlift – 1 set, 30 secs on each side

This is a variation of the standing kick back which helps work out your outer thigh muscles too.

  • Start in a standing position with your feet slightly apart and your back straight.
  • While balancing on your right leg, lift your fully extended left leg straight behind as far as it can go without bending your torso forward.
  • Return to the starting position and raise that same leg to the side while keeping your upper body straight.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat this sequence of motions.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds on each side.

An exercise balance pad can help you improve stability and balance during this exercise.

Single Leg Deadlift - Get Toned Legs and Butt Workout
Legs and Butt workout illustrations

6. Kick back Lateral – 1 set, 30 secs on each side

This is a twist on the standard squat which helps recruit more of your leg muscles.

  • Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Keep your back straight and lower your body by bending your knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground while pushing your hips back.
  •  Return slowly to the starting position and add a jumping motion at the end.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.
Toned Legs and Butt Workout - Kickback Lateral

7. Squat Jump – 1 set, 30 secs

This exercise helps you work out your glutes and thigh muscles.

  • Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Keep your back straight and lower your body by bending your knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground while pushing your hips back.
  • Return slowly to the starting position.
  • When you’re back in the standing position perform a side-kick by raising one leg to the side without bending your upper body.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds on each side.

During squat jump, wore an active wear hair wrap to keep your hair in place and maintain focus on your form without any distractions.

Toned Legs and Butt Workout - Squat Jump

8. Squat Pulse – 1 set, 30 secs

Get ready to feel the burn with this exercise. Remember to contract your glutes and keep your upper body straight.

  • Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Lower yourself into a squat position until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
  • Lift yourself upwards several inches by straightening your knees slightly and then lower yourself back into that squat.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.
Squat pulse - Toned Legs and Butt Workout with no equipment

9. Lunges – 1 set, 30 secs on each side

Let’s end the workout with a bit of color, so get ready to work out those glutes and thighs with the rainbow.

  • Start on your hands and knees with your back straight and your core engaged.
  • Place your right knee more centrally while you fully extend your left leg.
  • Use your left foot to draw a rainbow (arc) behind you with your right leg at the center of the arc.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds on both sides.
Toned Legs and Butt Workout - Lunges

Tips on How To Tone Your Legs and Butt Quickly

If you’re truly interested in getting the best out of your two-week program here are some important tips.

Your Diet is Just as Important as Exercise

Toning your legs and butt involves two components – building your lean muscle and burning fat. So if you’re on the heavy side it’s a great idea to consume fewer calories. On the other hand, if you’re on the slimmer side you may need to increase your calorie intake to promote muscle building. Remember, to stay hydrated, avoid processed sugars, and keep your diet balanced.

Add Some Resistance Training

Resistance training is a great way to make your workout much more effective. Things like resistance bands, foam rollers, and free weights are great ways to add some extra challenge to your workout.

Exercise Your Legs More

You can tone your legs by doing everyday activities. Walk more, stand more, skip some rope, dance more often, try out some hill sprints, and maybe even take up indoor cycling. You can also purchase a pedometer which can help you effectively track the number of steps you take in a day.

Make the Most Out of Every Workout

Obviously for the best results you want to maximize every workout. Here are some great ways of doing this:

  • Start the workout with your weaker side, as this side tends to get lose form towards the end of the workout.
  • Pause and hold at the peak of each exercise and contract your glutes and leg muscles before finishing the motion.
  • Add explosive motions to your workouts such as little jumps, side steps, or quick lunges.
  • You can also try doing more repetitions or performing the exercise more quickly as you progress.

Don’t Forget to Rest, Rejuvenate, and Recover

Remember to get at least 8 hours of sleep during this workout. Also, compression socks are a great way to help your legs recover by promoting blood flow to the muscles.


  • Can I repeat these exercises for a longer workout?

Yes you can repeat these exercises up to 3 times if you enjoy longer workout sessions.

  • Do you have to lose weight to tone your legs and butt?

It’s hard to visualize toned muscles under a layer of fat, so for the best results, it’s advisable to achieve a healthy body fat percentage of about 14 to 24 percent.

  • What are the health benefits of toning your legs and butt?

Toning your legs and butt aren’t just aesthetically pleasing, they help stabilize your core and back too. This gives you better posture and helps prevent falls. Also, exercising your calves stabilizes your ankles and prevents ankle sprains and other injuries.

  • Does toning your legs make them bigger or smaller?

This depends on your initial size. People on the heavy side may notice their legs get smaller, while those who are on the slimmer side may notice their thighs and calves get bigger. Whatever effect you notice, the result is more sculpted legs and a toned butt.

For more workout ideas for a toned lower body, please watch this video by Chloe Ting where she shares the step-by-step process of each exercise in this 13 minutes video.


Our two-week shredding program is a quick, easy and effective way to tone your legs and butt. Fitness is a lifestyle, not a chore. So do the best you can to add a bit of motion to your everyday life. Remember to eat right, get plenty of sleep, and most of all…have fun. 

Legs and Butt workout
Lowerbody Workout (legs and butt)

Get Tighter Core and Toned Arms At Home – Includes 11 Workout Illustrations

Tight Core and Arms Workout

Beautifully toned arms and a washboard flat stomach are the highlights of any well-built body. However, any of these goals can be quite elusive, not to talk of achieving both…or is it? Let’s take a look at some amazing exercises you can use to target both of these muscle groups.

Can You Exercise Your Core and Arms Together?

Yes, you absolutely can. Many bodyweight exercises involve some variation of the classical plank or push-up which requires you to engage both your core and your arm muscles together. So if you’re thinking about exercising both these muscle groups at the same time you should make plank exercises and push-up variations a key part of your workout routine.

What Is the Fastest Way to Strengthen Your Core and Arms?

As I mentioned above, plank and push-up variations are a great way to build your core and arms. You can also add compound exercises that focus on functional movements. Not only do these build your core and arms, but they’re also great for your posture, and balance, as well as make your routine movements more efficient.

Another important thing to note is that your core and arms are made up of several distinct muscle groups. The abdominals, obliques, transverse muscles, and back muscles make up the core. While the biceps, triceps, and brachialis are the key muscles of the upper arm.

While most exercises involve all these muscles to varying degrees, each of these muscles creates a different type of motion and therefore is best built using different exercises. Therefore, always vary your exercises to make sure that all muscle groups are being exercised effectively.

Can I Get a Tight Core and Toned Arms Without Lifting Weights?

While weight training certainly helps you achieve the results you desire more quickly, it is still quite possible you get a tight core and tone your arms without them. Bodyweight exercises are quite effective and are utilized by even the most advanced fitness enthusiasts.

Exercise equipment like resistance bands and chin-up bars are great too and can help add some challenge to your workout routine. You can also try adding variations such as exercises performed on inclined surfaces or using a medicine ball.


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11 Effective Exercises To Tone Your Arms and Build Your Core

Let’s take a look at an amazing workout you can do in under 10 minutes to exercise your core and arms.

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1. Walking Plank – 1 set, 30 secs

Walking planks are a great combination exercise for your core and arms. It may be a bit tricky at first, but you’ll soon get the hang of it.

  • Start in a high plank position with your core engaged.
  • Take a step to the right by first placing your right arm and right leg to the side, followed by your left arm and left leg.
  • Repeat this same exercise on the alternate side (left arm and left leg first).
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.

Placing a fitness slider under each hand while performing the walking plank adds a dynamic element to the exercise, challenging your stability and core strength. It also reduce friction against the floor.

Tight Core and Arms workout - Walking Plank

2. Bird Dog – 1 set, 30 secs

This is a great exercise for your core, arms, and glutes.

  • Begin on all fours in the tabletop position with your knees under your hips and your hands under your shoulders.
  • Start by raising your right arm and left leg while keeping your shoulders and hips parallel to the floor.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.
  • Perform the exercise with the alternate limbs.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
Tight Core and Toned Arms workout  - Bird Dog

3. Side Plank Dips – 1 set, 30 secs on each side

Side plank dips are a great plank variation to add to your routine. Wearing a wrist support band provides extra stability and helps protect your wrists from strain or discomfort during Side Plank Dips.

  • Start in a side plank position on your right side with your legs straight and feet stacked on top of each other. Place your right elbow under your right shoulder and raise your hips off the mat so that you’re supporting your weight on your elbow and the side of your right foot.
  • You can place your left arm behind your head, on your hips, or straight up in the air.
  • Drop your hips until they are almost in contact with the ground, then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this for 30 seconds, then perform this exercise on the alternate side for another 30 seconds.
Tight Core and Arms workout - Side Plank Dips

4. Russian Twist – 1 set, 30 secs

The Russian twist is a great exercise that takes some skill to master but it’s one of the best exercises for your core and arms.

  • Sit on the floor with your back straight with your legs held together and your knees flexed.
  • Lean back into a 45° angle with the floor by lifting your feet slightly off the ground and placing your weight on the sit bones of your pelvis.
  • Keep your knees flexed, tuck in your chin slightly, and engage your core.
  • In a controlled manner alternatively rotate your upper body to the right and left by touching the side of your heels while keeping your lower body stable.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
abs workouts without weights - Russian Twist

5. Downward Dog Knee Tuck – 1 set, 30 secs on each side

This is another great exercise to engage your core and tone your arms. It was borrowed from a popular yoga position and adds a bit of motion to your workout.

  • Start in the popular downward dog position by getting down on all fours with your hands shoulder-width apart and your hips slightly before your knees.
  • Lift your knees off the mat and your hips into the air by extending your legs until your body resembles an upside-down “V” shape.
  • From this position perform a knee tuck by lowering your hips parallel to the ground and bringing one knee forward under you.
  • Alternate this motion between both legs.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
Tight Core exercises - Downward Dog Knee Tuck

6. Arm Circles – 1 set, 30 secs

This is a simple but effective isolation exercise to tone your arms. You can add a little challenge by using arm weights.

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms until they are parallel to the floor.
  • Perform controlled circling motions with your arms starting with small circles but gradually making the circles bigger.
  • Reverse the direction of the circles every 10 seconds.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
Triceps Workouts - Arm Circles
Tight Core and Arms Workout Illustrations

7. Roll Up – 1 set, 30 secs

Roll-ups are an amazing Pilates exercise for your core and can effectively engage your arms too when done properly. The bolster helps prevent excessive arching of the lower back, reducing the risk of strain or discomfort while facilitating smooth and controlled movement.

  • Lie with your back flat against the floor and your legs straight with your arms extended fully above your head.
  • In one fluid motion bring your arms straight up over your head while you perform a sit-up by flexing your knees.
  • Reach for your toes while keeping your core engaged.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
Tight Core Abs Workouts - Roll Up

8. Body Saw – 1 set, 30 secs

The body saw exercise is great for your core and calves

  • Start in a low plank position with your forearms pointing forwards and about shoulder-width apart.
  • Engage your core and spread your legs slightly.
  • There are several variations to this exercise. You can either create a gentle back and forth rocking motion or step slightly to each side with your toes.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
Tight Core Workout - Body Saw

9. Circle Plank – 1 set, 30 secs

The circle plank is a fun variation of the plank which works out the arms and core together.

  • Start in a high plank position.
  • Engage your core.
  • Move in a slightly circular motion by slowly moving your feet and arms.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
Abs workouts at home without weights - Circle Plank

10. Up and Down Plank – 1 set, 30 secs

Alternate quickly between a high and low plank to add some intensity to your routine, as well as hit your core and arms simultaneously.

  • Start in a high plank position with your wrists placed shoulder-width apart, your back straight, and your feet hip-width apart.
  • Descend into a low plank position by first placing your right elbow against the floor and then your left elbow.
  • Return to the high plank position and repeat this process starting from the left side.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.

For this exercise, enhance comfort and stability while also providing support for your wrists and elbows with padded exercise mat.

Tight Core workouts at home - Up and Down Plank

11. Reverse Plank – 1 set, 30 secs

This is the last exercise on the list and a great way to end your workout. Placing a yoga block under your hands during the reverse plank can reduce wrist discomfort and provide added stability, especially if you have limited wrist mobility.

  • Start by laying flat on your back with your hands behind your hips.
  • Place your palms flat against the floor and lift your body off the floor until your upper body and lower body form a straight line.
  • Remember to engage your core.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds.
Reverse Plank workout illustration

Answered FAQs

  • Can I repeat these exercises for a longer workout?

Yes you can repeat these exercises up to 3 times if you enjoy longer workout sessions. You can also use dumbbells or resistance bands to add challenges, promote muscle growth, endurance, and overall fitness.

  • Is it possible to tone your arms without them looking bulky?

Absolutely, focus on bodyweight exercises or perform higher reps with light weights.

  • What are the benefits of core training?

Core training is great for your stability, balance, and posture. They also make your abs look great.

  • How can I avoid hurting my back during core training?
    • Start with simple exercises before attempting more complex maneuvers.
    • Pay attention to your form.
    • Stop if the pain becomes unbearable.
    • Speak with your doctor if you have a history of lower back issues before attempting core exercises.

If you enjoy this article and want to watch the step-by-step workout video which has more workouts, please checkout this Core and Arms workout video by Chloe Ting.


Despite their elusive nature, a tight core and toned arms are definitely achievable. Just remember the key principles, focus on plank and push-up variations, vary your workout, and always keep your core engaged.

It’s also good to note that it’s hard to see toned arms and a tight core if they are covered by a layer of fat. Remember, the most important part of exercising occurs in the kitchen, not on the gym mat.

Tight Core and Arms Workout infographic
Tight core and arms Workout