12 Sexy Hourglass Figure Workout – Get a Tiny Waist and Round Butt at Home

The hourglass figure is considered the most coveted feminine body type, and we’re going to teach you how you can achieve this through exercise and healthy lifestyle choices.

What Is the Hourglass Figure?

The classical measurements used to represent the hourglass figure were 36-inch hips, a 24-inch waist, and a 36-inch chest. However, now it refers to a feminine body shape that consists of wide hips, a narrow waist, and a toned upper body.


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Tips on How to Build Your Hourglass Figure

Here are a few tips to help you achieve that hourglass figure.

a. Pay Close Attention to Your Diet

Diet is very important for this workout goal because you need to lose as much fat as you safely can while building lean muscle in key areas.

This means ditching highly processed and unhealthy foods like white bread, soda, pizza, fast foods, potato chips, and so on.

Your diet should consist of healthy amounts of lean meats (seafood, skinless chicken, and pork chops), whole grains (brown rice, whole-wheat products, and oats), high-fiber foods like fruits and vegetables, as well as healthy fats (avocados, nuts, dark chocolate, and cheese).

Remember to stay hydrated, avoid skipping meals, read food labels, use smaller plates, and cut down on alcohol.

b. Focus on Cardio and HIIT (High-intensity Interval Training)

If you want a truly impressive hourglass figure you have to add some cardio. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) involves alternating short bursts of high-intensity workouts with periods of low-intensity workouts.

HIIT is one of the most effective forms of cardio for losing weight, building muscle, and improving your cardiovascular health.

Adding set of adjustable dumbbells for HIIT workout allows you to quickly switch between exercises with varying resistance levels, maximizing the efficiency of your HIIT routine and targeting different muscle groups for a full-body workout.

c. Don’t Be Afraid to Exercise Your Upper Body

Many women fear that they may appear bulky if they exercise their arms and shoulders. The truth is that such muscle growth does not occur without a consistent muscle-building routine, a strict diet plan, and favorable genetics. Most normal workout routines will only give your arms a toned appearance.

d. Target Key Muscle Groups

To build an hourglass figure focus on exercises that build your upper arms, shoulders, core, glutes, and hips as well.

This involves using compound exercises that involve multiple muscle groups and even adding some extra challenge using resistance bands, free weights, medicine balls, and pull-up bars. Don’t forget to keep your muscles fully engaged during each exercise and pay close attention to your form throughout each motion.

e. Be Realistic With Your Expectations

The truth is that genetics plays a large role in body shape and some people may never be able to achieve an hourglass figure. However, anyone can significantly improve their figure through a healthy diet, strength training, and the right amount of cardio.

12 Exercises to Help You Build That Hourglass Figure

Here are 12 great exercises to help you build that hourglass figure..

This article contains affiliate links which means that we earn a small commission at no additional cost to you if you make a purchase with our link.

1. Bicycle Crunch – 1 set, 30 secs

Bicycle crunches are great for building your core and glutes. Enhance your bicycle crunches with non-slip exercise mat providing cushioning and stability, allowing you to perform bicycle crunches comfortably and safely on any surface.

  • Start with your back flat against the ground, your arms behind your head, and your legs extended fully.
  • Engage your core and lift both legs slightly off the floor.
  • Bring your right knee towards your chest by flexing your right hip and right knee at the same time while lifting your left shoulder several inches off the floor until your left elbow and right knee almost touch.
  • Alternate this motion by using your left knee and right elbow.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.
Hourglass Body Workout - Bicycle Crunch

2. Corkscrew – 1 set, 30 secs

This exercise is super effective for targeting your abs.

  • Lie down with your back flat against the ground, your arms by your side.
  • Flex your hips and knees so your leg should be shaped like an “L”.
  • Contract your core muscles and slowly lift your hips off the ground while also fully extending your knees.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.
Hourglass Body Workout - Corkscrew

3. U-boat – 1 set, 30 secs

The U-boat is a great exercise for building your core and hips.

  • Sit on the floor and lean backward at a 45° angle by lifting your feet slightly off the ground and placing your weight on your sit bones.
  • Use your arms as supports by placing them by your sides.
  • Place your feet together and draw an arc (or rainbow) in the air by extending your legs to each side.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.

Add pilates ball to engage more core muscles as you balance on it during the U-boat movement, resulting in a more effective abdominal workout.

Hourglass Body Workout - U-boat

4. Heel Touches – 1 set, 30 secs

Heel touches are great for building your obliques.

  • Lie down with your back flat against the ground and place your feet flat on the ground about hip-width apart with your knees bent.
  • Lift your shoulder blades as high off the ground as you can and engage your core.
  • With your arms extended by your side, alternate touching each ankle with your hands by moving only your core from side to side.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.
Hourglass Body Workout - Heel Touches

5. Spiderman Plank – 1 set, 30 secs

This exercise builds your upper body, core, and glutes, making it the ultimate exercise to get that hourglass figure.

  • Start in a high plank position with your body in a straight line, your arms under your shoulders, and with your feet about hip-width apart.
  • Keeping your hips as level as possible, swing your right knee forward to (almost) touch your right elbow.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat this process with your left knee and left elbow.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.
Hourglass Body Workout - Spider plank

6. Plank Tap – 1 set, 30 secs

Plank taps are great for your core and hip muscles.

  • Start in a high plank with your core muscles fully engaged.
  • While maintaining the high plank position quickly jump both feet out wide to each side.
  • Return them together as quickly as you can, similar to doing a horizontal jumping jack.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.

Placing the bands around your wrists adds resistance, intensifying the exercise and engaging your core and upper body muscles more effectively with each tap.

Hourglass Body Workout - Plank Tap
Waist and butt Workout

7. U-raise – 1 set, 30 secs

  • Start on your hands and knees with your back straight and your core engaged.
  • Place your right leg more centrally while you fully extend your left leg.
  • Use your left foot to draw an upside-down rainbow (arc) in the air behind you with your right leg at the center of the arc.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds on both sides.

By adding resistance to your exercise, ankle weights increase the intensity of the exercise, effectively targeting and strengthening the muscles of the thighs and glutes for a more challenging workout.

Hourglass Body Workout - U-Raise

8. Booty Flutters – 1 set, 30 secs

This exercise is great for your hips, butt, and core.

  • Lay on your stomach with your legs fully extended, but not quite touching the floor.
  • Raise one leg about a foot off the ground.
  • Return your leg to the floor while raising the other leg off the floor, alternating this motion similar to creating a swimming motion with your legs.
  • Remember to keep your glutes fully engaged and focus on lifting with these muscles.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.

Incorporating a resistance band loop around your thighs can increase the challenge and engagement of the glute muscles as you perform the fluttering motion, resulting in a more effective booty workout.

Hourglass Body Workout - Booty Flutters

9. Booty Tap – 1 set, 30 secs

You can go seamlessly from the booty flutter exercise to the booty tap, helping you streamline your workout.

  • Lay on your stomach with your legs fully extended, but not quite touching the floor.
  • Raise both legs about a foot off the ground and place your feet together in the middle.
  • Alternate between separating your feet about a foot apart and bringing them back together.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.
Hourglass Body Workout - Booty Tap

10. In and Out – 1 set, 30 secs

This exercise is great for building a strong core and glutes. Placing pilates ball between your feet adds instability, engaging more stabilizer muscles as you move in and out.

  • Sit on the floor and lean backward at a 45° angle with the floor by lifting your feet slightly off the ground.
  • Place your weight on your sit bones and use your arms as support.
  • Engage your core and smoothly extend both legs and then bring them back to your chest.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.
Hourglass Body Workout - In and Out

11. Plank Kickback – 1 set, 30 secs

This is a great compound exercise to exercise your core and hips.

  • Start in a high plank position but with your hips raised slightly towards the ceiling to create a slight “V” shape.
  • Bring your right leg forward under you while bending your knee until it almost touches your right arm.
  • Fully extend your leg back out and lift it as high as you can.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds on both sides.
Hourglass Body Workout - Plank Kickback

12. Donkey Kick Hydrant – 1 set, 30 secs

This is a great compound exercise to end your workout with.

  • Start on all fours, with your back straight and your core engaged.
  • While maintaining the 90-degree bend in your right knee, slowly lift your leg straight back and up toward the ceiling.
  • Return to the starting position and perform the same motion but this time kick your leg out to the side while maintaining the angle of your knee.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds on both sides.
Hourglass Body Workout - Donkey Kick hydrant
Waist and butt Workout


  • What are the key muscles I have to target to build an hourglass figure?

Target your shoulders, upper arms, core, hips, and glutes.

  • Is it true that an hourglass figure is mostly genetics?

Genetics plays a significant role, but through a dedicated regimen of dieting, exercise, and healthy lifestyle choices anyone can build a healthier body shape.

  • How do I train my upper body without looking bulky?

For most women it’s nearly impossible to build bulky arms without a dedicated upper body workout, so you don’t need to worry about this.

  • Does a waist trainer help you lose belly fat?

There is no conclusive evidence to support this, and several health risks have been associated with the use of waist trainers like acid reflux, damage to internal organs, and even suffocation.


People come in a variety of shapes and sizes, all of which are beautiful and unique. Achieving a better body shape might be your ultimate goal, but don’t forget that regular exercise and healthy life choices also help us live longer, happier, and healthier lives.

Hourglass body Workout

9 High Intensity Exercises to Get 11-Line Abs in 2 weeks

11 line abs in 2 weeks

11-line abs is a term used to refer to a well-defined abdomen that has only the vertical lines of definition, but no bulging 6-pack muscles. This means two lines by each side of your abdomen and one line down the middle.

For a lot of people, 11-line abs can be quite tricky to achieve. But one thing to know is that with a consistent workout routine over time, you will be able to achieve the 11-line abs of your dreams.

This is why in this article, we will be sharing high-intensity workout routines you can do from the comfort of your home for the best results.

In the body of this article, you will find workout illustrations and workout notes you can print out to save in your workout binder or tape to your wall for a faster workout routine. This way, you don’t have to go online or turn on any electronic devices before working out. You can simply grab the workout note you would like to work on for that day and get started!

If you’re ready to get started, here are 9 high-intensity exercises you can get started on. For more exercises, I have included a full workout video towards the end of this article which has more exercises. You will also be able to see how each exercise is done in a visual manner.


12 Sexy Hourglass Figure Workout – Get a Tiny Waist and Round Butt at Home

5 Minutes Flat Abs Workout

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11 line abs

9 Exercises to Help You Build 11 Line Abs From Home

While we’ve only highlighted nine exercises in this post, you can scroll down towards the end of this post for the entire 16 exercises in the routine. Even though the workout video is less than 15 minutes, you can repeat the workout sets so that you get a longer workout routine.

To get the most out of this workout, you will need comfortable workout clothes, running shoes, a workout mat and water to stay hydrated.

This article contains affiliate links which means that we earn a small commission at no additional cost to you if you make a purchase with our link.

1. Tuck V-Up – 1 set, 40 secs

The Tuck V-Up is a great way to start your routine. Remember to engage your core and pay close attention to your form.

  • Start by sitting on the floor and lean backward at a 45° angle with the floor by lifting your feet slightly off the ground.
  • Place your weight on your sit bones and use your arms as supports by placing them by your sides with your palms pressed to the floor.
  • While inhaling steadily, engage your core and smoothly extend both legs almost fully and flex them back towards your chest while exhaling.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
11 Line Abs - Tuck V-up

2. Hip Raise Twist – 1 set, 40 secs

This exercise is super effective because it targets the abs primarily.

  • Lie down with your back flat against the ground, your arms by your sides, and your legs fully extended and raised slightly off the floor.
  • Contract your core muscles and slowly lift your legs and hips off the ground and straight in the air.
  • At the top of this motion when your legs are straight in the air twist your hips slightly to one side, then the other.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
11 Line Abs - Hip Raise Twist

3. Crossbody Climber – 1 set, 40 secs

Remember to keep your core engaged throughout this exercise.

  • Start with a high plank position with your back straight and core fully engaged.
  • Bring your right knee forward underneath you as close to your left arm as possible.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the process with your left knee and right arm.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
11 Line Abs - Crossbody Climber

4. Roll Up – 1 set, 40 secs

Roll-ups are an amazing exercise for building your 11-line abs.

  • Start by laying with your back flat against the floor and your legs straight with your arms extended fully above your head.
  • In one fluid motion bring your arms straight up over your head while you perform a sit-up by flexing your knees at the same time.
  • Reach for your toes while keeping your core engaged.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
11 Line Abs exercises - Roll Up

5. Plank Hop and Jack – 1 set, 40 secs

Roll-ups are an amazing exercise for building your 11-line abs.

  • Start by lying with your back flat against the floor and your legs straight with your arms extended fully above your head.
  • In one fluid motion, bring your arms straight up over your head while you perform a sit-up by flexing your knees simultaneously.
  • Reach for your toes while keeping your core engaged.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
11 Line Abs - Plank Hop and Jack
11 Line Abs in 2 weeks infographics
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6. Plank Leg Raise and Tuck – 1 set, 40 secs

This is another great exercise to engage your core and tone your hamstrings.

  • Start in a low plank position with your back straight and your core engaged.
  • From this position, perform a knee tuck by bringing one knee forward to the side.
  • Return the leg to the starting position.
  • Raise the leg about a foot off the ground and then return to the starting position.
  • Perform the same set of motions in the other leg.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
11 Line Abs - Plank Leg Raise and Tuck

7. Flutter Kick – 1 set, 40 secs

Next up are the Flutter Kicks. This exercise doesn’t only exercise your core, but also your legs.

  • Lay on the floor with your legs fully extended but not quite touching the floor.
  • Raise one leg about a foot off the ground.
  • Return your leg to the floor while raising the other leg off the floor. Remember to keep your core engaged.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
11 Line Abs - Flutter Kick

8. Bicycle Crunch – 1 set, 40 secs

Bicycle crunches are great because they combine several functional movements, while actively working out your abs.

  • Lie down with your back flat against the ground, your arms behind your head, and your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Engage your core and lift both legs off the floor while extending your hips and flexing your knees slightly.
  • Bring your right knee to your chest by flexing your right hip and knee while at the same time lifting your left shoulder blade off the floor until your elbow and knee almost meet.
  • Alternate this step by using your left leg and right arm.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
11 Line Abs - Bicycle Crunch

9. Up and Down Jacks – 1 set, 30 secs

Alternate quickly between a high and low plank to add some variety to your routine.

  • Start in a high plank with your core engaged.
  • Descend into a low plank position by placing your right elbow against the floor and then your left elbow.
  • Return to the high plank position and repeat this process starting from the left side.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
11 Line Abs - Up and Down Jacks

For video instruction on how to effectively perform this workout, please take a look at Chloe Ting’s popular Abs in Two Weeks Workout Challenge workout video.

6 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your 11-Line Abs Workout

Getting 11-line abs is definitely not easy, but here are a few helpful tips.

1. Your Diet Plays a Big Role

No matter how many sets or repetitions you do, nobody can see your abs through a layer of fat. Pay attention to maintaining a healthy weight with a fat percentage of 14-20%. Avoid fast food, eat lots of fibre and stay hydrated.

2. Add Variety To Your Workout

Your abs are just a part of your core muscles, and it’s much easier to build strong abs by building a strong core. Add some variety to your workout by incorporating exercises that involve other important core muscles like your obliques and back muscles.

3. Get the Most Out of Each Workout Set

Building abs are difficult, so you probably want to get it right the first time. Make each set count by paying close attention to your form throughout the workout. Not only does this make the workout more effective, it also helps to prevent injury. Remember to keep your core engaged by tightening your core throughout the workout.

You can also add some light weights such as a dumbbell or kettlebell to your workout for more resistance.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Challenge Yourself

Just like any muscle, abs grow by muscle hypertrophy. Hypertrophy is a term used to describe the increase in tissue size due to a stimulus such as an exercise routine.

One of the fastest ways to stimulate muscle hypertrophy is through progressive overload. Progressive overload simply means gradually increasing the difficulty of your workout. You can do this by slowly increasing the number of repetitions and sets, adding free weights, increasing the intensity, or shortening your rest time between workouts.

5. Get Enough Sleep

Ab workouts are tiresome, and your body needs all the rest it can get when it comes to recovery. Getting enough sleep is very important for any workout plan; it´s recommended that you sleep for six to eight hours every night so that your body can get enough time to recover and repair itself.

6. Protect Your Lower Back

When done wrongly or with poor form, ab exercises can lead to serious consequences like pain and even injury. The first rule of core strengthening is that if you feel too much discomfort in your lower back, stop immediately and reassess your form.

Please don’t hesitate to see a chiropractor or physical therapist if you start to notice discomfort.
You can also use back braces such as this one, so that you can keep the right posture while you workout.

11 Line Abs in 2 weeks workout illustration


  • Is it possible to get 11-line abs through sit-ups only?

Sit-ups aren’t the most effective ab exercises, and they can be harmful to your lower back. Focus on various exercises that strengthen different parts of your abs.

  • What if I want to develop 11-line abs without developing 6-packs?

Most women with 11-line abs usually have some form of 6-packs. However, it is unlikely that you can develop bulging 6-packs without significant strength and dietary training. Be sure to keep a balance of a healthy eating and exercise routine.

  • How often should I train my abs?

While the ideal answer for this question may differ from person to person, exercising your abs three to four times a week is adequate. Remember that just like any other muscle, the abdominals need some time to recover as well.

  • What are the advantages of ab exercises?

Abdominal exercises help you build a strong core which is great for your balance, posture, and lower back. It also help you keep a flat stomach, tight core and feel good in your clothing.


Developing 11-line abs is great for more than just bragging rights. A strong core helps to improve your posture and balance, as well as protects you from lower back issues later in life.

If you’re into longer workouts, you can repeat this workout set about two more times so that you can get a longer workout session. Be sure to stretch before and after your workout routine, so you don’t end up with muscle pain.

Abs Workout Challenge workout note

Two Week Shred Workout Challenge Full Body Weight Loss Workout

Full body Workout to Lose Weight

In this edition of our two-week shred workout challenge to lose weight, we’ll take you through one of the most demanding but rewarding exercise challenges out there – a full-body workout. This program isn’t focused on any particular muscle group or body part, but it is rather aimed at helping you to lose weight in a shorter period of time.

In this article, we’ll break down a comprehensive full-body workout to help you lose weight. We’ll also share some tips on how to get the most out of the program and answer some of your most pressing questions.

To get the most out of this workout, you will need comfortable workout clothes, running shoes, a workout mat and water to stay hydrated.


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10 Intensive Full Body Workout For Fast Weight Loss

If you’re crunch on time and have never been able to find enough time to go to the gym or workout, you will be best served by this article. The reason is that you can complete this exercise from the comfort of your home in under 15 minutes. This way, you can keep up with your exercise routine, without compromising your other daily activities.

If you’re ready to get started, here are 10 high-intensity exercises you can get started on. For more exercises, I have included a full workout video towards the end of this article with more exercises. You will also be able to see how each exercise is done visually.

Also in the body of this article, you will find workout illustrations and workout notes you can print out to save in your workout binder or tape to your wall for a faster workout routine. This way, you don’t have to go online or turn on any electronic devices before working out. You can simply grab the workout note you would like to work on for that day and get started!

This article contains affiliate links which means that we earn a small commission at no additional cost to you if you make a purchase with our link.

1. Overhead Jumping Jacks – 1 set, 30 secs

Jumping jacks are a great full-body motion that is great for burning calories.

  • Start in a standing position with your feet together and your arms by your side.
  • Jump into the air while kicking out your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart and bringing your arms together over your head so that you land in this stance.
  • Jump again and this time return to the starting stance with your feet together and your arms by your side.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.
Overhead jumping Jacks - beginners workout

2. Reverse Lunge Kick – 1 set, 30 secs on each side

Reverse lunge kicks are great for your core, glutes, and hamstrings.

  • Start by standing upright with your hands at your hips.
  • Take a large step backward with your right foot.
  • At the same time lower your hips until your left thigh is parallel to the floor and your left knee is directly over your ankle.
  • Your right knee should be bent at an almost 90-degree angle and pointing toward the floor with only the balls of your feet touching the floor.
  • Return to the standing position by pushing your left heel into the floor and bringing your right leg forward.
  • At the end of the motion add a front kick with the returning leg.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds on both sides.
 Reverse Lunge Kick - rapid weight loss workout

3. Burpees – 1 set, 30 secs

Burpees are a great way to exercise both your upper and lower body.

  • Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Lower yourself into a squat and place your hands on the floor.
  • Kick or step out with both your feet to enter a high plank position.
  • Return to a squat by pulling your feet in and then return to the original standing position.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.
Burpees - high intensity workout

4. Reverse Plank Tap – 1 set, 30 secs

This is a variation of the plank which works well on the glutes, hamstrings, and core.

  • Start in a reverse plank position by sitting on the floor with your legs fully extended.
  • Place your palms on the floor slightly more than hip-width apart and lift your hips into the air. Your body should form a straight line from feet to torso with your face looking towards the ceiling.
  • Make sure your hips are raised while you bend your right knee to about 90 degrees, and tap your right toes on the ground.
  • Extend your right leg back to the starting position, and repeat the motion with your left leg.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.
Reverse Plank Tap - Full body Workout to Lose Weight

5. Cycles – 1 set, 30 secs

This exercise is great for your abs, core, and legs.

  • Sit with your weight on your sit bones by leaning backward at a 45° angle and lift your feet slightly off the ground.
  • Place your arms behind you for balance and lift both legs slightly off the ground.
  • Alternate between fully flexing and extending your right and left legs. Remember to keep your core engaged throughout.
  • Repeat this motion for 30 seconds.
Cycles - legs, abs and core workout
Chloe Ting Full body Workout to Lose Weight

6. Mountain Climber – 1 set, 30 secs

Remember to keep your core engaged throughout this exercise.

  • Start with a high plank position with your back straight, abdominal muscles fully engaged, your hands underneath your shoulder, and your head neutral.
  • Bring your right knee forward underneath you as close to your left arm as possible while tightening your core.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the process with your left knee and right arm.
  • Repeat the process for several sets and remember to control your breathing and engage your core muscles.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.
Mountain Climber - HIIT workout to lose weight

7. Reach Through – 1 set, 30 secs

This is a great variation of a crunch that works out your shoulders too.

  • Start by laying on the ground with your back flat against the floor and your knees bent so the bottom of your feet are flat against the ground too.
  • Extend both arms above your head and then bring them forward over your head to reach between your legs.
  • Engage your core and perform a crunch as your arms reach between your legs.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.
Reach Through - Full body Workout to Lose Weight

8. Curtsy Lunge – 1 set, 30 secs

This is a combination of two great exercises which help you work out your outer and inner thighs, the lateral lunge and curtsy lunge.

  • Start in a standing position with your feet about shoulder-width apart.
  • Perform a curtsy lunge by crossing your right foot behind your left foot and enter a lunge position with your left thigh parallel to the ground.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Perform this same motion with the opposite leg.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.
Curtsy Lunge - Full body Workout to Lose Weight

9. Plank to Squat – 1 set, 30 secs

If you’re looking for a truly challenging full-body exercise then this is for you.

  • Start in a high plank position with your feet about shoulder-width apart and your hands at the same width.
  • Hold this position for a moment and then jump into a squat by bringing your legs forwards from underneath you.
  • Hold the squat for a moment.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.
Plank to Squat - Full body Workout to Lose Weight

10. Reverse Crunch Variation – 1 set, 30 secs

Reverse crunches are super effective because they primarily target the abs and don’t cause any strain on your upper spine.

  • Lie down with your back flat against the ground, your arms by your sides, and your hips flexed so your thighs are perpendicular to the floor.
  • Flex your knees to about a 90° angle to your thighs making them almost parallel to the floor.
  • Exhale slowly through your nose while contracting your core muscles and slowly bring your knees towards your chest by lifting your hips as far off the floor as you can while keeping your upper back flat against the floor.
  • Hold this position for 2-3 seconds then slowly return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.
Reverse Crunch Variation - Full body Workout to Lose Weight

For the video instruction on how to effectively perform this workout, please take a look at Chloe Ting’s popular Two Weeks Shred Challenge workout video.

Tips on How to Get the Best Out of Your Two-Week Program

Here are some tips to help you get optimal results with our ultimate two-week full-body workout weight loss program.

a. Your Diet Is Key

Exercise is great, but without focusing on your diet you won’t get the best results. Cut down on your total calories and focus on healthy alternatives with high fiber content, healthy fats, and tons of protein. Cut down on processed sugars and remember to stay hydrated.

b. Focus on Compound Exercises

Compound exercises are the best for weight loss because they work out more muscle groups and therefore burn more calories. They also mimic functional movements which we perform every day, making them great for your balance and posture too. Remember to focus on your form and engage your muscles throughout the workout.

c. Add Some Challenges to Your Workout

Your body is surprisingly good at adapting to challenges, so it’s important that you push yourself a bit more with each workout. Add some resistance training with resistance bands or free weights. You can also use medicine balls, ankle weights, or add plyometric exercise routine to your workout.

 Plyometric exercises are cardio exercises that involve jumping or explosive movement, which gets your heart racing and sweating quickly. Examples of plyometric exercises includes, skipping, jumping rope, hopping, lunges, jump squats, and clap push-ups

d. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is important for both exercising and losing weight. It helps your muscles recover and grow, while at the same time promoting healthy weight loss. Several studies have linked poor sleeping patterns to difficulties in losing weight and even unhealthy weight gain.

e. Be More Active

Weight loss and physical fitness involve more than spending half an hour working out every day. It’s a constant action that should be a part of your everyday life. So walk more, stand more, dance more, and add a bit of motion to everything you do. You can monitor your daily activities with a smartwatch such as an Apple watch.

Frequently Asked Questions about Weight Loss

  • Can you lose weight in a specific part of your body?

The best way to lose weight is through full-body workouts that can help you lose weight all over your body. It’s also crucial that you maintain a healthy diet, so that your workout routine can be more effective.

  • Why are compound exercises the best for weight loss?

Compound exercises are the best exercise for weight loss Because they recruit more muscle groups and burn more calories than isolation exercises.

Compound exercises are exercises that work multiple muscle groups at the same time. For example, a squat works the quadriceps, glutes, and calves.

  • How much weight can you realistically lose in two weeks?

With a healthy eating and exercise habits, you can expect to lose about 1-2 pounds per week, which means that you can expect to lose up to four pounds in two weeks.

Final Thoughts

Though this is a two-week program, your journey towards weight loss and physical fitness is lifelong. Remember that the goal isn’t just to achieve a certain weight or body type, but to wake up everyday happier and healthier.

Chloe Ting Full body Workout to Lose Weight
Workout to Lose Weight

Lose Belly Fat with Chloe Ting Abs in Two Weeks Challenge Illustration

Get Abs in 2 weeks

If you’ve struggled to get flat abs but can´t seem to make any progress, these quick workout routine will guide you step-by-step on how to loose belly fat and get the abs of your dreams.

For quick results, it’s recommended to do these workouts at least five times a week for two weeks straight.

To add intensity in your workout, using a kettlebell or dumbbell can be highly effective that burns calories and engages your core muscles, helping to reduce belly fat.

You should also cut out excess calories and replace unhealthy foods with healthier foods that are high in fiber which will help you lose weight faster.

Incorporating greek yogurt, avocados, leafy greens, berries, and lean chicken breast into your diet can help you lose belly fat. These foods are high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats, which promote satiety, boost metabolism, and support muscle maintenance while being relatively low in calories.


15 Mins Full-Body HIIT Workout

Strength in Motion: Unleash Your Potential With This 12-Minute Upper Body Resistance Band Workout

Sculpt Your Abs: Easy Neck & Back-Friendly 10-Minute Ab Workout With No Equipment

This article contains affiliate links which means that we earn a small commission at no additional cost to you if you make a purchase with our link.

1. Leg Raise Clap – 1 set, 30 seconds

This exercise is great for your core and is a great way to involve both your lower and upper abdominal muscles.

  • Lie flat on your back with your arms close to your sides and your palms facing up.
  • Inhale deeply through your nose and lift your legs off the floor as high as you can go while also lifting your shoulder blades as far off the floor as you can while still keeping your lower back flat against the floor, (i.e. a crunch).
  • Lightly clap your hands together under your legs while you do this and hold this position for 2-3 seconds.
  • Slowly return to the starting position remembering to exhale and keep your legs and back as straight as you can.
Abs in 2 weeks - Leg Raise Clap

2. Reverse Crunch Leg Extension – 1 set, 30 secs

Reverse crunches are super effective because they primarily target the abs and don’t cause any strain on your upper spine. They are similar to traditional crunches, except you keep your legs stretched.

  • Lie down with your back flat against the ground and your arms palms down by your side.
  • Start with both your knees and hips extended making your legs almost parallel to the floor but slightly raised.
  • Pull your legs towards your body by flexing your knees and hips until both form 90° angles.
  • Then engage your core muscles and extend both legs straight above you while lifting your hips off the floor using your abdominal muscles.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat this exercise several times.

An exercise bench can be highly beneficial on this exercise as it provides support and stability, allowing you to maintain proper form and focus on engaging your core muscles effectively during the workout.

Abs workouts in 2 weeks - Reverse Crunch

3. Spider Plank – 1 set, 30 seconds

You can perform this exercise with either a high or low plank.

  • Start in a plank position with your body in a straight line, your arms under your shoulders, and with your feet about hip-width apart.
  • Keeping your hips as level as possible, swing your right knee forward to (almost) touch your right elbow.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat this process with your left knee and left elbow.
  • Continue this pattern for a series of repetitions.
Abs workout at home - Spider Plank

4. Crossbody Mountain Climbers – 1 set, 30 seconds

Remember that breathing is an important part of training your core. Inhale while contracting, exhale while relaxing.

  • Start with a high plank position with your back straight, abdominal muscles fully engaged, your hands underneath your shoulder, and your head neutral.
  • Bring your right knee forward underneath you as close to your left arm as possible while tightening your core.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the process with your left knee and right arm.
  • Repeat the process for several sets and remember to control your breathing and engage your core muscles.

Adding sliding discs will allow you for smooth movement on various surfaces, increasing the challenge to your core and stabilizer muscles as you perform the exercise.

Abs exercises - Mountain Climb

5. Russian Twist – 1 set, 30 seconds

The Russian twist takes some skill to master but it’s one of the best exercises for your core. Add resistance by using medicine ball, increasing the intensity of the exercise and effectively targeting your oblique muscles for a more robust core workout.

  • Sit on the floor with your back straight with your legs held together and your knees flexed to a comfortable angle.
  • Lean back into a 45° angle with the floor by lifting your feet slightly off the ground and placing your weight on the sit bones of your pelvis.
  • Keep your knees flexed to a 90° angle, tuck in your chin slightly, and engage your core.
  • In a controlled manner alternatively rotate your upper body to the right and left while keeping your lower body stable.
Chloe ting Abs in 2 weeks - Russian Twist

6. Plank with Hips dips – 1 set, 30 seconds

Keep your next straight and your head in a comfortable position to avoid neck strain.

  • Enter a low plank position with your back straight, your elbows bent beneath you, your feet about hip-width apart, and your core muscles engaged.
  • Keeping your head neutral and your upper body as stable as possible, steadily rotate your hips to the right and dip your lower body almost to the floor while engaging your core.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat this process on the left side.
  • Repeat these motions for several sets.
Get Abs in 2 weeks - Plank with Hips Dips
Get Abs in 2 WEEKS workout illustrations!

7. Plank Jacks – 1 set, 30 seconds

Plank jacks aren’t just great for your core, they’re fun too.

  • Enter a high plank position with your back straight, your arms extended beneath you slightly more than shoulder-width apart, your feet about hip-width apart, and your core muscles fully engaged.
  • While maintaining the high plank position quickly jump both feet out wide to each side and return them to the midline, similar to doing a horizontal jumping jack.
  • Remember to keep your pelvis stable, keep your body straight, and do not raise your hips towards the ceiling.
  • Repeat this exercise for several sets as well.
 Plank Jacks abs workout

8. Up & Down Plank – 1 set, 30 seconds

Alternate quickly between a high and low plank to add some variety to your routine.
Using a pair of push-up bars provide a stable grip, reduce strain on your wrists, and increase the range of motion, making the exercise more challenging and effective for building upper body and core strength.

  • Start in a high plank position with your wrists placed shoulder-width apart, your back straight, and your feet hip-width apart.
  • Descend into a low plank position by first placing your right elbow against the floor and then your left elbow.
  • Return to the high plank position and repeat this process starting from the left side.
  • Perform several repetitions of this exercise.
Up and Down Plank abdominal workout

9. Plank – 1 set, 30 seconds

The world record for longest plank held is nearly 10 hours, but aiming for 60 seconds or more is great for the average person.

  • Enter a low plank position by laying on the floor with your elbows placed flat against the mat at shoulder-width, your back straight, and your hands placed flat against the floor.
  • Engage your core and hold this position for as long as you can.
  • You can repeat this exercise several times with periods of rest in between.
 Plank workout for tight abs

10. Heel Tap – 1 set, 30 seconds

Heel taps are great for your obliques.

  • Lie down with your back flat against the ground and place your feet flat on the ground about hip-width apart with your knees bent.
  • Lift your shoulder blades as high off the ground as you can and engage your core, similar to a crunch.
  • With your arms extended by your side, alternate touching each angle with your hands by moving only your core from side to side.
  • Remember to always keep your shoulder blades off the floor.
Heel Tap Ab workout

11. Straight Leg Crunch – 1 set, 30 seconds

Try to touch the sky with this core-strengthening exercise. Use thick yoga mat provides ample cushioning and support to your lower back, enhancing comfort and stability during this exercises.

  • Lie down with your back flat against the ground and place your legs together straight up above you by flexing your hips.
  • Place your arms in front of you and inhale as you lift your shoulders blades as high off the floor as you can while trying to touch the tips of your toes with your fingers.
  • Exhale slowly as you relax your core and slowly bring your shoulder blades back to the floor.
  • Repeat this process for several sets.
Abs in 2 weeks - Straight Leg Crunch

12. Bicycle Crunch – 1 set, 30 seconds

Bicycle crunches are great because they combine several functional movements.

  • Lie down with your back flat against the ground, your arms behind your head, and your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Engage your core and lift both legs off the floor while extending your hips and flexing your knees slightly.
  • Bring your right knee to your chest by flexing your right hip and knee while at the same time lifting your left shoulder blade off the floor until your elbow and knee almost meet.
  • Alternate this step by using your left leg and right arm.
  • Repeat this exercise for several sets.

Including ankle weights into bicycle crunches can intensify the exercise, targeting the abdominal muscles more effectively and enhancing overall strength and definition in the core area.

Bicycle Crunch Abs in 2 weeks workout

Building your core muscles has numerous advantages besides just looking great. It’s great for your posture, balance, and flexibility too. Utilizing kettlebell or dumbbell for exercises can effectively target core muscles and aid in belly fat reduction.

Remember, abs are also built in the kitchen, which makes it crucial to have a healthy nutritional diet. Opt for a post-workout meal rich in lean protein, such as grilled chicken breast or salmon, paired with complex carbohydrates like quinoa or sweet potatoes to replenish energy stores and support muscle recovery.

You can repeat these exercises up to three times for an extended workout session.

For the video instruction on how to effectively perform this workout, please take a look at Chloe Ting’s popular Abs in Two Weeks workout video.

Chloe Ting's Abs in 2 WEEKS workout!
Get abs in 2 weeks

Nine Quick Workout For Toned Legs, Thighs, and Glutes -With Illustrations

Toned Legs and Butt Workout

As a part of an ultimate shredding program workout series here on the website, it’s time to take a look at another very important group of muscles – your legs and butt. No fitness journey is complete without spending some time working out these muscle groups.

Not only are these some of the most prominent parts of your body, they also contain some of the largest muscles.

So let’s take a look at nine great exercises to build your legs and butt.


Grow Your Booty With this Knee-friendly, No-Squat Resistance Band Butt Workout

The Best Lower Body Workout for Legs and Butts

Trending 10-Minute Resistance Band Booty Workouts

15 Best Resistance Band Booty and Thigh Workout – With Illustrations

Nine Quick Exercises to Tone Your Legs and Butt in Just Two Weeks

This is an amazing workout you can do in under 10 minutes to exercise your legs and butt. Don’t forget your workout essentials: a water bottle to stay hydrated, resistance bands for added intensity, a towel to wipe off sweat, and a oatmeal topped with sliced bananas and a spoonful of almond butter for a nutritious pre-workout boost.

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1. Curtsy Jump – 1 set, 30 secs

This exercise is a great way to start your workout because it hits all the muscle groups.

  • Start in a standing position with your feet slightly apart.
  • Lower yourself into a reverse lunge position until your front thigh is parallel to the ground, but cross your back leg diagonally behind the front one.
  • Push off with your front heel and return to the starting position.
  • Perform a small jumping motion as you return to a full standing position.
  • Alternate this motion between your right and left legs.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.

Adding bands will burn more on your glutes and inner thighs intensely during my curtsey jumps.

Toned Legs and Butt Workout - Curtsy Jump

2. Reverse Lunge – 1 set, 30 secs on each side

Reverse lunges are great for your glutes and hamstring muscles. It also puts less stress on your knee joint.

  • Start by standing with your hands at your hips.
  • Take a large step backward with your right foot.
  • At the same time lower your hips until your left thigh is parallel to the floor and your left knee is directly over your ankle (forming a 90-degree angle at the knee).
  • Your right knee should be bent at an almost 90-degree angle and pointing toward the floor with only the balls of your feet touching the floor.
  • Return to the standing position by pushing your left heel into the floor.
  • Alternate this motion between both legs.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.

Use workout shoes and a yoga mat to provide comfort and stability during your reverse lunges.

Toned Legs and Butt Workout - Reverse Lunge

3. Squat with Side Kick – 1 set, 30 secs on each side

This is a super effective variation of the standard lunge that helps add even more motion to the exercise.

  • Start by taking a large step to the side with your right leg from a standing position while keeping your left foot in that same spot.
  • Lower your hips until your right thigh is parallel to the floor and your right knee is directly over your ankle, your left leg should be fully extended to the side.
  • Push off with your right foot and return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds on each side.
Squat with Side kick - Toned Legs and glutes Workout

4. Lateral Lunge – 1 set, 30 secs on each side

This exercise requires a bit of balance but is easy once you get the hang of it.

  • Start in a standing position.
  • Balancing on your right leg, lower your torso forward while lifting your fully extended left leg straight up behind you.
  • At the peak of the position, your body should be in a straight line from your head to the bottom of your left foot.
  • Slowly return to the starting position by bringing your left leg forward.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds on each side.

Use ankle weights to intensify your workout and target your leg muscles more effectively.

Toned Legs and Butt Workout - Lateral Lunge

5. Single Leg Deadlift – 1 set, 30 secs on each side

This is a variation of the standing kick back which helps work out your outer thigh muscles too.

  • Start in a standing position with your feet slightly apart and your back straight.
  • While balancing on your right leg, lift your fully extended left leg straight behind as far as it can go without bending your torso forward.
  • Return to the starting position and raise that same leg to the side while keeping your upper body straight.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat this sequence of motions.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds on each side.

An exercise balance pad can help you improve stability and balance during this exercise.

Single Leg Deadlift - Get Toned Legs and Butt Workout
Legs and Butt workout illustrations

6. Kick back Lateral – 1 set, 30 secs on each side

This is a twist on the standard squat which helps recruit more of your leg muscles.

  • Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Keep your back straight and lower your body by bending your knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground while pushing your hips back.
  •  Return slowly to the starting position and add a jumping motion at the end.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.
Toned Legs and Butt Workout - Kickback Lateral

7. Squat Jump – 1 set, 30 secs

This exercise helps you work out your glutes and thigh muscles.

  • Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Keep your back straight and lower your body by bending your knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground while pushing your hips back.
  • Return slowly to the starting position.
  • When you’re back in the standing position perform a side-kick by raising one leg to the side without bending your upper body.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds on each side.

During squat jump, wore an active wear hair wrap to keep your hair in place and maintain focus on your form without any distractions.

Toned Legs and Butt Workout - Squat Jump

8. Squat Pulse – 1 set, 30 secs

Get ready to feel the burn with this exercise. Remember to contract your glutes and keep your upper body straight.

  • Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Lower yourself into a squat position until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
  • Lift yourself upwards several inches by straightening your knees slightly and then lower yourself back into that squat.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds.
Squat pulse - Toned Legs and Butt Workout with no equipment

9. Lunges – 1 set, 30 secs on each side

Let’s end the workout with a bit of color, so get ready to work out those glutes and thighs with the rainbow.

  • Start on your hands and knees with your back straight and your core engaged.
  • Place your right knee more centrally while you fully extend your left leg.
  • Use your left foot to draw a rainbow (arc) behind you with your right leg at the center of the arc.
  • Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds on both sides.
Toned Legs and Butt Workout - Lunges

Tips on How To Tone Your Legs and Butt Quickly

If you’re truly interested in getting the best out of your two-week program here are some important tips.

Your Diet is Just as Important as Exercise

Toning your legs and butt involves two components – building your lean muscle and burning fat. So if you’re on the heavy side it’s a great idea to consume fewer calories. On the other hand, if you’re on the slimmer side you may need to increase your calorie intake to promote muscle building. Remember, to stay hydrated, avoid processed sugars, and keep your diet balanced.

Add Some Resistance Training

Resistance training is a great way to make your workout much more effective. Things like resistance bands, foam rollers, and free weights are great ways to add some extra challenge to your workout.

Exercise Your Legs More

You can tone your legs by doing everyday activities. Walk more, stand more, skip some rope, dance more often, try out some hill sprints, and maybe even take up indoor cycling. You can also purchase a pedometer which can help you effectively track the number of steps you take in a day.

Make the Most Out of Every Workout

Obviously for the best results you want to maximize every workout. Here are some great ways of doing this:

  • Start the workout with your weaker side, as this side tends to get lose form towards the end of the workout.
  • Pause and hold at the peak of each exercise and contract your glutes and leg muscles before finishing the motion.
  • Add explosive motions to your workouts such as little jumps, side steps, or quick lunges.
  • You can also try doing more repetitions or performing the exercise more quickly as you progress.

Don’t Forget to Rest, Rejuvenate, and Recover

Remember to get at least 8 hours of sleep during this workout. Also, compression socks are a great way to help your legs recover by promoting blood flow to the muscles.


  • Can I repeat these exercises for a longer workout?

Yes you can repeat these exercises up to 3 times if you enjoy longer workout sessions.

  • Do you have to lose weight to tone your legs and butt?

It’s hard to visualize toned muscles under a layer of fat, so for the best results, it’s advisable to achieve a healthy body fat percentage of about 14 to 24 percent.

  • What are the health benefits of toning your legs and butt?

Toning your legs and butt aren’t just aesthetically pleasing, they help stabilize your core and back too. This gives you better posture and helps prevent falls. Also, exercising your calves stabilizes your ankles and prevents ankle sprains and other injuries.

  • Does toning your legs make them bigger or smaller?

This depends on your initial size. People on the heavy side may notice their legs get smaller, while those who are on the slimmer side may notice their thighs and calves get bigger. Whatever effect you notice, the result is more sculpted legs and a toned butt.

For more workout ideas for a toned lower body, please watch this video by Chloe Ting where she shares the step-by-step process of each exercise in this 13 minutes video.


Our two-week shredding program is a quick, easy and effective way to tone your legs and butt. Fitness is a lifestyle, not a chore. So do the best you can to add a bit of motion to your everyday life. Remember to eat right, get plenty of sleep, and most of all…have fun. 

Legs and Butt workout
Lowerbody Workout (legs and butt)

Get Tighter Core and Toned Arms At Home – Includes 11 Workout Illustrations

Tight Core and Arms Workout

Beautifully toned arms and a washboard flat stomach are the highlights of any well-built body. However, any of these goals can be quite elusive, not to talk of achieving both…or is it? Let’s take a look at some amazing exercises you can use to target both of these muscle groups.

Can You Exercise Your Core and Arms Together?

Yes, you absolutely can. Many bodyweight exercises involve some variation of the classical plank or push-up which requires you to engage both your core and your arm muscles together. So if you’re thinking about exercising both these muscle groups at the same time you should make plank exercises and push-up variations a key part of your workout routine.

What Is the Fastest Way to Strengthen Your Core and Arms?

As I mentioned above, plank and push-up variations are a great way to build your core and arms. You can also add compound exercises that focus on functional movements. Not only do these build your core and arms, but they’re also great for your posture, and balance, as well as make your routine movements more efficient.

Another important thing to note is that your core and arms are made up of several distinct muscle groups. The abdominals, obliques, transverse muscles, and back muscles make up the core. While the biceps, triceps, and brachialis are the key muscles of the upper arm.

While most exercises involve all these muscles to varying degrees, each of these muscles creates a different type of motion and therefore is best built using different exercises. Therefore, always vary your exercises to make sure that all muscle groups are being exercised effectively.

Can I Get a Tight Core and Toned Arms Without Lifting Weights?

While weight training certainly helps you achieve the results you desire more quickly, it is still quite possible you get a tight core and tone your arms without them. Bodyweight exercises are quite effective and are utilized by even the most advanced fitness enthusiasts.

Exercise equipment like resistance bands and chin-up bars are great too and can help add some challenge to your workout routine. You can also try adding variations such as exercises performed on inclined surfaces or using a medicine ball.


Abs Unleashed: Sculpt Your Core with This Effective 10-Minute No-Equipment Workout

Amazing Glute Bridge Burnout Workout You Can Try at Home

The Best Full Upper Body Workout with Dumbells to Tone & Sculpt

9 Power Workouts To Get 11-Line Abs in Just 35 Days – No Gym or Equipment

11 Effective Exercises To Tone Your Arms and Build Your Core

Let’s take a look at an amazing workout you can do in under 10 minutes to exercise your core and arms.

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1. Walking Plank – 1 set, 30 secs

Walking planks are a great combination exercise for your core and arms. It may be a bit tricky at first, but you’ll soon get the hang of it.

  • Start in a high plank position with your core engaged.
  • Take a step to the right by first placing your right arm and right leg to the side, followed by your left arm and left leg.
  • Repeat this same exercise on the alternate side (left arm and left leg first).
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.

Placing a fitness slider under each hand while performing the walking plank adds a dynamic element to the exercise, challenging your stability and core strength. It also reduce friction against the floor.

Tight Core and Arms workout - Walking Plank

2. Bird Dog – 1 set, 30 secs

This is a great exercise for your core, arms, and glutes.

  • Begin on all fours in the tabletop position with your knees under your hips and your hands under your shoulders.
  • Start by raising your right arm and left leg while keeping your shoulders and hips parallel to the floor.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.
  • Perform the exercise with the alternate limbs.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
Tight Core and Toned Arms workout  - Bird Dog

3. Side Plank Dips – 1 set, 30 secs on each side

Side plank dips are a great plank variation to add to your routine. Wearing a wrist support band provides extra stability and helps protect your wrists from strain or discomfort during Side Plank Dips.

  • Start in a side plank position on your right side with your legs straight and feet stacked on top of each other. Place your right elbow under your right shoulder and raise your hips off the mat so that you’re supporting your weight on your elbow and the side of your right foot.
  • You can place your left arm behind your head, on your hips, or straight up in the air.
  • Drop your hips until they are almost in contact with the ground, then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this for 30 seconds, then perform this exercise on the alternate side for another 30 seconds.
Tight Core and Arms workout - Side Plank Dips

4. Russian Twist – 1 set, 30 secs

The Russian twist is a great exercise that takes some skill to master but it’s one of the best exercises for your core and arms.

  • Sit on the floor with your back straight with your legs held together and your knees flexed.
  • Lean back into a 45° angle with the floor by lifting your feet slightly off the ground and placing your weight on the sit bones of your pelvis.
  • Keep your knees flexed, tuck in your chin slightly, and engage your core.
  • In a controlled manner alternatively rotate your upper body to the right and left by touching the side of your heels while keeping your lower body stable.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
abs workouts without weights - Russian Twist

5. Downward Dog Knee Tuck – 1 set, 30 secs on each side

This is another great exercise to engage your core and tone your arms. It was borrowed from a popular yoga position and adds a bit of motion to your workout.

  • Start in the popular downward dog position by getting down on all fours with your hands shoulder-width apart and your hips slightly before your knees.
  • Lift your knees off the mat and your hips into the air by extending your legs until your body resembles an upside-down “V” shape.
  • From this position perform a knee tuck by lowering your hips parallel to the ground and bringing one knee forward under you.
  • Alternate this motion between both legs.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
Tight Core exercises - Downward Dog Knee Tuck

6. Arm Circles – 1 set, 30 secs

This is a simple but effective isolation exercise to tone your arms. You can add a little challenge by using arm weights.

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms until they are parallel to the floor.
  • Perform controlled circling motions with your arms starting with small circles but gradually making the circles bigger.
  • Reverse the direction of the circles every 10 seconds.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
Triceps Workouts - Arm Circles
Tight Core and Arms Workout Illustrations

7. Roll Up – 1 set, 30 secs

Roll-ups are an amazing Pilates exercise for your core and can effectively engage your arms too when done properly. The bolster helps prevent excessive arching of the lower back, reducing the risk of strain or discomfort while facilitating smooth and controlled movement.

  • Lie with your back flat against the floor and your legs straight with your arms extended fully above your head.
  • In one fluid motion bring your arms straight up over your head while you perform a sit-up by flexing your knees.
  • Reach for your toes while keeping your core engaged.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
Tight Core Abs Workouts - Roll Up

8. Body Saw – 1 set, 30 secs

The body saw exercise is great for your core and calves

  • Start in a low plank position with your forearms pointing forwards and about shoulder-width apart.
  • Engage your core and spread your legs slightly.
  • There are several variations to this exercise. You can either create a gentle back and forth rocking motion or step slightly to each side with your toes.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
Tight Core Workout - Body Saw

9. Circle Plank – 1 set, 30 secs

The circle plank is a fun variation of the plank which works out the arms and core together.

  • Start in a high plank position.
  • Engage your core.
  • Move in a slightly circular motion by slowly moving your feet and arms.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
Abs workouts at home without weights - Circle Plank

10. Up and Down Plank – 1 set, 30 secs

Alternate quickly between a high and low plank to add some intensity to your routine, as well as hit your core and arms simultaneously.

  • Start in a high plank position with your wrists placed shoulder-width apart, your back straight, and your feet hip-width apart.
  • Descend into a low plank position by first placing your right elbow against the floor and then your left elbow.
  • Return to the high plank position and repeat this process starting from the left side.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.

For this exercise, enhance comfort and stability while also providing support for your wrists and elbows with padded exercise mat.

Tight Core workouts at home - Up and Down Plank

11. Reverse Plank – 1 set, 30 secs

This is the last exercise on the list and a great way to end your workout. Placing a yoga block under your hands during the reverse plank can reduce wrist discomfort and provide added stability, especially if you have limited wrist mobility.

  • Start by laying flat on your back with your hands behind your hips.
  • Place your palms flat against the floor and lift your body off the floor until your upper body and lower body form a straight line.
  • Remember to engage your core.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds.
Reverse Plank workout illustration

Answered FAQs

  • Can I repeat these exercises for a longer workout?

Yes you can repeat these exercises up to 3 times if you enjoy longer workout sessions. You can also use dumbbells or resistance bands to add challenges, promote muscle growth, endurance, and overall fitness.

  • Is it possible to tone your arms without them looking bulky?

Absolutely, focus on bodyweight exercises or perform higher reps with light weights.

  • What are the benefits of core training?

Core training is great for your stability, balance, and posture. They also make your abs look great.

  • How can I avoid hurting my back during core training?
    • Start with simple exercises before attempting more complex maneuvers.
    • Pay attention to your form.
    • Stop if the pain becomes unbearable.
    • Speak with your doctor if you have a history of lower back issues before attempting core exercises.

If you enjoy this article and want to watch the step-by-step workout video which has more workouts, please checkout this Core and Arms workout video by Chloe Ting.


Despite their elusive nature, a tight core and toned arms are definitely achievable. Just remember the key principles, focus on plank and push-up variations, vary your workout, and always keep your core engaged.

It’s also good to note that it’s hard to see toned arms and a tight core if they are covered by a layer of fat. Remember, the most important part of exercising occurs in the kitchen, not on the gym mat.

Tight Core and Arms Workout infographic
Tight core and arms Workout

Two-Weeks Shred Weight Loss Workout Routine for Beginners – With 10 Effective Workout Illustrations

Your Ultimate Two-Weeks Shred Program for Healthy Weight Loss

It may seem far-fetched but you can lose a significant amount of weight in two weeks. All it takes are a few simple exercises, healthy habits, and lots of persistence.

In this post, we will be sharing some effective workout routines that is perfect for beginners and that you can do anywhere.

To get expected results in a limited amount of time, you can do these exercises everyday for 14-days. You also want to change up your diet so that you are eating healthier foods that can help to speed up your weight loss journey. There are so many diets out there, so it’s up to you to choose the best option that fits your goals and lifestyle.


Get Tighter Core and Toned Arms At Home – Includes 11 Workout Illustrations

Lose Belly Fat with Chloe Ting Abs in Two Weeks Challenge Illustration

10 Minutes Standing Ab Workout – No equipment

5 Tips for Losing Weight Quickly (and Safely) in 2 Weeks

Exercise is a very important component of weight loss. However, a healthy short-term weight loss plan involves more than countless crunches and marathons on the machine row. Let’s take a look at some other quick tips which can help you shed some weight.

a. Be Realistic With Your Goals

This is the key thing to keep in mind during a short-term weight loss plan. Most studies have shown that the average person can drop about 2 pounds per week, meaning that you should expect to lose about 4 pounds over 2 weeks. Some people may lose more, others less. However, don’t expect a drastic change. Remember weight loss is a long-term goal.

b. Cut Down on Calories

At the very core of the principle of weight loss is math. You shed pounds when you burn more calories than you take in and vice versa. The number of calories required by an individual varies based on age, height, sex, level of activity, and other factors such as pregnancy, and metabolism. Generally, it’s assumed to be about 2,000 calories a day for women and 2,5000 a day for men.

A pound of fat contains about 3,500 calories. Therefore, 4 pounds is about 14,000 calories. This means you have to take in 1000 calories less than what you need every day to lose 4 pounds in 2 weeks. You can calculate your daily recommended caloric intake based on your sex, height, weight, and activity level here.

Instead of eating high calorie white rice, quinoa was the best alternative with high protein and fiber. Replace ice cream with frozen Greek yogurt for a creamy treat that’s higher in protein and lower in calories.

c. Stick to a Healthy Diet Plan

Exercise is great, but a significant part of weight loss also takes place in the kitchen. Cut down on the calories you take with each meal, avoid empty calories such as sugar and processed foods. Stick to lean proteins (like chicken breast, egg, lentils, etc.), whole foods and stay well hydrated. 

d. Invest in Some Cardio

Mixing a bit of cardio with strength training is an effective way to shed pounds and also helps you add a little variety to your workout.

This could involve jogging, swimming, cycling, brisk walking, or even sports. Jumping rope and stair stepper are also an excellent cardio exercise at home with numerous benefits.

About 60 minutes of low-intensity cardio or 30 minutes of mid-intensity cardio every day is a great way to encourage results within two weeks.

e. Focus on Strength Training Exercises

Strength training is great for weight loss because not only does it help your body look trim and toned, but individuals with higher muscle mass burn more calories. Muscles are energy-consuming powerhouses, so increasing your muscle mass can help you shed pounds much more quickly than cardio alone.

Focus on functional exercises which involve several large muscle groups, incorporating tools like dumbbells and resistance bands, and consider adding high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

Get Plenty of Sleep

Unfortunately, sleeping does not burn calories. However, a healthy sleep schedule is quite important when it comes to weight loss.

Not only does it give your body time to heal and rejuvenate, but studies have also linked poor sleeping habits to poor weight loss results, increased cravings, and even chronic fatigue.

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1. Burpees – 1 Set, 30 Seconds

Burpees are a great way to start your workout and exercise both your upper and lower body.

  • Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Lower yourself into a squat and place your hands on the floor.
  • Kick or step out with both your feet to enter a high plank position.
  • Return to a squat by pulling your feet in and then return to the original standing position.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds

Adding ankle weights into burpees adds extra resistance, intensifying the lower body engagement and calorie burn

Burpees weight loss workout

2. Squat In and Out – 1 set, 30 secs

In and out squats help you shred weight by engaging the glutes which are a very large muscle group and require tons of energy.

  • Start in a standing position with your feet placed closely together.
  • Bend into a squat while kicking your feet apart till they are slightly more than shoulder-width apart.
  • Return to the standing position while pulling both feet back together.
  • Remember to keep your back straight with your glutes and core engaged.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.

Incorporating dumbbells into squats adds resistance to target your leg muscles effectively, increasing the intensity of the exercise.

 Squat in and out quick weight loss workout

3. Reverse Lunges – 1 set, 30 secs on each side

Reverse lunges are great for your core, glutes, and hamstring muscles. It also puts less stress on your knee joint, making it a safer exercise.

  • Start by standing upright with your hands at your hips.
  • Take a large step backward with your right foot.
  • At the same time lower your hips until your left thigh is parallel to the floor and your left knee is directly over your ankle (forming a 90-degree angle at the knee).
  • Your right knee should be bent at an almost 90-degree angle and pointing toward the floor with only the balls of your feet touching the floor.
  • Return to the standing position by pushing your left heel into the floor and bringing your right leg forward.
  • Alternate this motion between both legs.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.

To reduce the risk of discomfort or injury on hard surfaces while doing this exercise, using a workout mat can provide stability and cushioning, ensuring proper form.

 Reverse Lunges workout illustration

4. Cross Mountain Climbers – 1 set, 30 secs

This exercise is a great way to engage your core (especially your obliques and hip flexors) and exercise your glutes too. Using gliding discs can enhance the effectiveness of cross-body mountain climbers by increasing the challenge to your core and improving overall balance and coordination.

  • Start in a high plank position with your core engaged, your back straight, and your hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Bring your right knee up as close to your left elbow as you can, then return it to the starting position.
  • Perform the same action with your left knee and right elbow.
  • Alternate between both legs and remember to contract your core as you bring your knee forward.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
Mountain Climbers workout

5. Plank Jacks – 1 set, 30 secs

Plank jacks are great for your core and hip muscles.

  • Start in a high plank position with your back straight, your arms slightly more than shoulder-width apart, your feet about hip-width apart, and your core muscles fully engaged.
  • While maintaining the high plank position quickly jump both feet out wide to each side.
  • After that return them together as quickly as you comfortably can, similar to doing a horizontal jumping jack.
  • Remember to keep your pelvis stable, your body straight, and avoid raising your hips towards the ceiling.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
plank jack weight loss workout
Lose Weight in just 2 weeks workout challenge

6. Up and Down Planks – 1 set, 30 secs

This is a great way to exercise your upper body while keeping your core engaged.

  • Start in a high plank position with your arms placed shoulder-width apart, your hips slightly raised, and your feet about hip-width apart.
  • Descend into a low plank position by first placing your right elbow flat against the floor and then your left elbow.
  • Return to the high plank position and repeat this process starting from the left side.
  • Perform several repetitions of this exercise and remember to keep your core engaged.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
 Up and Down Plank workout

7. Bicycle Crunches – 1 set, 30 secs

Bicycle crunches are great for weight loss because they combine several large muscle groups into functional movements.

  • Start with your back flat against the ground, your arms placed behind your head, and your legs extended fully.
  • Engage your core and lift both legs off the floor while still extending your hips.
  • Bring your right knee towards your chest by flexing your right hip and right knee at the same time while lifting your left shoulder several inches off the floor until your left elbow and right knee almost touch.
  • Alternate this motion by using your left knee and right elbow.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
Bicycle Crunch- Chloe Ting 2 week shred

8. Jumping Lunges – 1 set, 30 secs on each side

Jumping lunges are a bit advanced, but with a little practice, you’ll master the technique in no time.

  • Start by standing upright with your hands at your hips and take a large step backward with your right foot.
  • At the same time lower your hips until your left thigh is parallel to the floor and your left knee is directly over your ankle.
  • Your right knee should be bent at an almost 90-degree angle and pointing toward the floor with only the balls of your feet touching the floor.
  • Return to the standing position by pushing your left heel into the floor and bringing your right leg forward.
  • While returning to the standing position add a jump and bring the alternate foot forward then perform the exercise again with the other side.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds on each side.
Lose Weight challenge - Jumping Lunges

9. Jumping Jacks – 1 set, 30 secs

Jumping jacks are a full-body motion that is not only fun but also great for burning calories, especially when performed with non-slip workout shoes.

  • Start in a standing position with your feet together and your arms by your side.
  • Jump into the air while kicking out your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart and bringing your arms together over your head so that you land in this stance.
  • Jump again and this time return to the starting stance with your feet together and your arms by your side.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
Jumping Jacks weight loss workout

10. Lateral Lunge Curtsy – 1 set, 30 secs on each side

This is a combination of two great exercises which help you work out your outer and inner thighs, the lateral lunge and curtsy lunge.

  • Start with a lateral lunge taking a large step to the side with your right leg from a standing position while keeping your left foot at that same spot.
  • Lower your hips until your right thigh is parallel to the floor and your right knee is directly over your ankle, your left leg should be fully extended to the side.
  • Return to the standing position and then perform a curtsy lunge by crossing your right foot behind your left foot and enter a lunge position with your left thigh parallel to the ground.
  • After performing a set of repetitions, alternate this exercise using the other side of your body.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
 Lateral Lunge Curtsy weight loss workout

11. Reverse Lunge Kicks – 1 set, 30 secs

Reverse lunge kicks are great for your hamstrings and glutes, while the kicks help you work out your anterior thighs too.

  • Start by standing upright with your hands at your hips and take a large step forward with your right foot.
  • Lower your hips until your right thigh is parallel to the floor and your right knee is directly over your ankle.
  • Your left knee should be bent at a 90-degree angle and pointing toward the floor with only the balls of your feet touching the floor.
  • Return to the standing position by pushing your right foot into the floor and taking a step backward with your right leg.
  • When in the starting position perform a front kick by lifting your right foot as high as you comfortably can.
  • Alternate this exercise between both legs.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.

Enhance your comfort and stability with non-slip workout shoes to execute the exercise safely and effectively while targeting your leg muscles.

reverse lunge kick

12. Reverse Plank Tap – 1 set, 30 secs

This is a great variation of the plank exercise and works well on the glutes, hamstrings, and core.

  • Start in a reverse plank position by sitting on the floor with your legs fully extended.
  • Place your palms on the floor slightly more than hip-width apart and lift your hips into the air. Your body should form a straight line from feet to torso with your face looking towards the ceiling.
  • Make sure your hips are raised while you bend your right knee to about 90 degrees, and tap your right toes on the ground.
  • Extend your right leg back to the starting position, and repeat the motion with your left leg.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
reverse plant tap ab workout

13. Reverse Crunch – 1 set, 30 secs

If you’re feeling bored of normal crunches here is a great variation you can try out. Adding workout mat to support your lower back during the exercise movement.

  • Start by lying down with your arms by your sides.
  • Raise your legs and flex your hips and knees until your thighs are perpendicular to the floor and your knees are bent at a 90° angle. 
  • Engage your core and then bring your knees up towards your chest and raise your hips off the floor using your abdominal muscles.
  • Hold this position for a moment, then slowly lower your legs back to the starting position.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
reverse crunch ab workout

This post was inspired by Chloe Ting’s Two Weeks shred program where she hares quick work outs to do everyday for two weeks. If done consistently and with a healthy diet, you will see expected results. To watch the full workout video of this program, please check out the video below.

FAQs about weight loss

  • Can I really lose weight in two weeks?

Certainly, it’s very possible to lose a significant amount of weight in two weeks if you follow the right diet and workout routine.

  • How much weight can you lose in two weeks?

Realistically you can shed as much as 1-2 pounds per week, giving you about 2-4 pounds of weight loss over 2 weeks.

  • What exercises burn belly fat in two weeks?

Unfortunately, no exercise burns “only” belly fat. However, focusing on whole body workouts which burn calories and incorporate core exercises is a great way to lose weight and tone your abdominal muscles as well.

  • Is cardio or strength training better for weight loss?

Though cardio burns more calories per workout, combining cardio with strength training is an amazing way to fast-track your weight loss process.

The Bottom Line

Losing weight in 2 weeks is possible if you follow these basic principles and exercises. Remember to be realistic with your goals and understand that weight loss is a long-term journey, but a short-term shred is a great way to start. Weight loss doesn’t just make you look better, it makes you healthier and happier too.

Lose Weight in just 2 weeks workout challenge
Lose weight in just 2 weeks

Buyers Guide: 10 Best Half Power Racks and Squat Racks for Your Home Gym

best half-racks

When it comes to personal fitness, almost everyone has faced difficulties in finding consistency. This may be due to a lack of time, an inconvenient work schedule, or simply the inability to create a consistent routine. 

To combat this challenge, you can make your personal fitness routine easier to follow by creating a home gym.

Some of the advantages of having a home gym includes; convenience, privacy, time and cost-saving reasons.

While there are several reasons why people decide to build their home gyms, one reason they all have in common is to be fit. 

And one way to be fit is to add some strength training equipment to your home gym. 

A popular strength training equipment is a half-rack. 

In this post, we will explain what a half-rack is, why it’s one of the key pieces of any home gym, and explore ten of the best half-racks available on the market. Keep on reading!

What is a Gym Rack?

A gym rack is a weight training exercise equipment that consists of a durable box steel frame which you stand under. 

Generally, the frame consists of at least two vertical posts with adjustable horizontal safety bars allowing it to act as a mechanical safety spotter when you perform free-weight barbell exercises.

Power racks are used for various exercises such as bench presses, lunges, deadlifts, shoulder presses, bicep curls, etc. Some power racks can be upgraded by using additional accessories such as a dip station, landmines, a step-up platform, a pull-up bar, or a variety of lat pull-down equipment. 

There are two types of power racks; a full rack and a half rack.

Full Racks Vs Half Racks

Full-racks and half-racks perform the same function. However, there are some differences in the way they look, cost, and the range of exercises one can perform with each piece of equipment.

A full rack (also called a power rack, power cage, or squat cage) typically consists of a solid metal base with a steel frame made of four vertical bars that are connected at the top and bottom of the frame for added stability. There are also various slots in the frame where the adjustable catchers and other accessories can be attached.

A half rack on the other hand, is made up of a metal base with two vertical posts that are also connected at the top and bottom to create a stable structure. It has various slots for the adjustable metal catchers and other minor accessories.

As I said, though both pieces of equipment serve the same primary function, there are some key differences between the two.

  • Full racks are typically larger than half racks and they take up more space.
  • They are generally more expensive than half racks.
  • A full rack allows you to perform a wider range of exercises, though some people argue that a half rack allows for more flexibility.
  • Full racks are compatible with additional workout accessories than half racks.
  • Half racks are typically easier to ship and set up than full racks.

Therefore, even though full racks allow for a wider range of exercises than half racks, they are also more expensive and may not be suitable for people with a limited gym space. 

Moreover, half racks are more suitable for individuals with a small home gym, especially if they are on a budget and typically perform uncomplicated exercises.


7 Best Lat Pull Down Machine for Your Home Gym

5 Best Home Gym Under $500 (Our Recommendations)

6 Best All-in-One Home Gym Machines This Year {Reviews and Top Picks}

5 Best Compact Home Gym Equipment For Small Spaces

Important Things to Look Out for When Buying a Half Rack

Before we get down to the business of actually buying a half rack, let’s take a look at the important features that you have to place on your checklist when considering the best half rack for your home gym.

Look at the Hole Spacing

The adjustable slots where the horizontal catcher bars are attached are very important. It’s important to look for a half rack with smaller adjustments (ideally between ½” to 1”). They allow for a wider range of customization and precise measurement of workout goals. Also, look for half racks with graded spaces to make it easier to follow your workout progress.

Pay Attention to Your Budget

This may seem like a redundant point, but it’s quite important to keep your budget in mind when looking for a half rack. Half racks come in a wide range of prices depending on the quality, brand, and features.

Know the necessary features that you need and find the best product that satisfies these requirements and is budget-friendly. Also, remember that you may eventually add additional accessories to the half rack, so factor this into your budget as well.

The Size of the Half Rack

Most home gyms have a limited floor space, so it’s important to keep this in mind when adding new equipment. Half racks are generally smaller than full racks, but they still come in a wide range of sizes. Measure the available space in your home gym and keep these measurements in mind when picking up a new piece of equipment.

Design and Sturdiness

While most people associate price with quality, this is not the best standard when considering exercise equipment. Take a closer look at the quality and thickness of the steel, the balance of the half rack, the quality of the welds, and safety attachments.

When it comes to sturdiness, you should also check if the rack can be anchored to the floor, how easy it is to set up, and its compatibility with other accessories.

Lastly, be sure to check the maximum weight capacity of the half rack to ensure that you are never in danger of overloading it. 

Be Mindful of the Warranty and Return Policy

Before choosing a piece of equipment to purchase, always be sure that you’ve familiarized yourself with the product warranty and return policy. Do they offer a lifetime structural warranty? What is the return policy like? Are there any legal liabilities you should be aware of in the unfortunate event of equipment failure or potential injury?

Verify Shipping and Delivery

Find out if the cost of shipping is included in the cost of the product and work out their delivery policy. Sometimes the retailer may choose to ship the accessories out to you separately. You want to ensure that you’re aware of all these, so that you’re not surprised when the package arrives. 

Ten Best Half Racks for Your Home Gym

With all of that out of the way, let’s now take a look at some of the best half racks that you can consider adding to your home gym. 

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1. Sunny Health & Fitness Half Rack Strength Cage – SF-XF9933

The Sunny Health & Fitness Half Rack Strength Cage – SF-XF9933 is a great half rack with an adjustable pull-up bar, resistance band pegs, six separate weight storage rods, and a lat pull-down accessory which can be purchased separately.

Working dimensions: 64″L x 50″W x 87″H

Construction: Heavy-duty steel

Included accessories: 3-tier angled pull-up bar

Warranty: 1-year structural frame, 180-day other parts, and components

Maximum weight capacity: 1000 lb

10 Best Half Racks for Your Home Gym - Sunny Health & Fitness Half Rack Strength Cage – SF-XF9933

2. Titan Fitness X-3 Series Folding Power Rack

The Titan X-3 Series Folding Power Rack comes in two sizes (an 80-inch and 90-inch model), both of which are great space savers because the half rack can be easily folded up against the wall when not in use.

Working dimensions: 21.5″L x 48″W x 80″H or 41.5″L x 48″W x 90″H

Construction: 11-gauge steel, 3″ uprights, powder-coated finish

Included accessories: J-hook attachments, adjustable pull-up bar

Warranty: 1-year structural frame, 180-day other parts, and components

Maximum weight capacity: 1,100 lb

10 Best Half Racks for Your Home Gym - Titan Fitness X-3 Series Folding Power Rack

3. Rogue Fitness Rogue Echo Squat Stand 2.0

The Rogue Echo Squat Stand 2.0 is an affordable option that comes with a sturdy and practical design. The 2×3″ 11-gauge steel uprights and 2×3” 11-gauge steel base offer all the strength and stability of higher-end gym racks for a bargain price and are great for those who are trying to build a home gym on a tight budget.

Working dimensions: 48.5″L x 48″W x 70″H

Construction: 11-gauge steel, 2×3″ uprights, powder-coated finish

Included accessories: J-hooks, protective plastic base pads

Warranty: 1-year structural frame, 180-day other parts, and components

Maximum weight capacity: 1000 lb

10 Best Half Racks for Your Home Gym - 10 Best Half Racks for Your Home Gym - Rogue Fitness Rogue Echo Squat Stand 2.0

4. Marcy SM-8117 Squat Rac

The Marcy SM-8117 Squat Rack might not have the highest maximum weight capacity on the list, but it’s a sturdy and ergonomic piece of equipment that is great for those who are not into high-intensity weight lifting. It also features two olympic plate storage pegs, a pull-up bar, safety catches, four anchoring points, and bar catches.

Working dimensions: 61″L x 51″W x 86″H

Construction: Heavy-duty steel

Included accessories: Two Olympic plate storage, multi-grip pull-up bar

Warranty: 2-year parts warranty

Maximum weight capacity: 300 lb

10 Best Half Racks for Your Home Gym - Marcy SM-8117 Squat Rac

5. Rep Fitness SR 4000 Rack

The Rep Fitness SR 4000 Rack is taller than most half racks on the market because it was designed for other types of exercise like skipping and CrossFit bodyweight exercises. It can be anchored to the floor to increase its stability and has a thick 3×3″ heavy-duty steel frame for greater strength.

Working dimensions: 73″L x 53″W x 103″H

Construction: 11-gauge steel, 3×3″ uprights, powder-coated finish

Included accessories: J-hooks, adjustable 1.25” thick pull-up bar

Warranty: 1-year structural frame, 180-days for parts, and components

Maximum weight capacity: 1000lbs

10 Best Half Racks for Your Home Gym - Rep Fitness SR 4000 Rack

6. Titan T3 Series Half Rack Conversion Kit

The Titan T3 Series Half Rack is another excellent product that comes in two heights; short (72”) and tall (92”). It’s better suited for beginners and amateur weight lifters since the base cannot be anchored to the floor, an important feature when dealing with heavier weights and complex exercises. However, the product is budget-friendly, compact, and very practical for simple workouts.

Working dimensions: 48”L x 47”W x 72”/92”H 

Construction: 2″ X 3″ 11 gauge steel frame with a powder coating finish

Included accessories: A pair of J-hooks

Warranty: 1-year structural frame, 180-day other parts, and components

Maximum weight capacity: 1000lbs

10 Best Half Racks for Your Home Gym - Titan T3 Series Half Rack Conversion Kit

7. Hulkfit Half Rack

The Hulkfit Half Rack is most likely one of the most economical items on the list. The trade-off for this was a lightweight build (meaning less stability), reduced durability, and a lower maximum weight capacity. Despite all this, it’s still a great piece of equipment for beginner to intermediate weightlifters who do not expect to bench heavy weights.

Working dimensions: 50″L x 46”W x 81″H

Construction: Heavy-duty steel

Included accessories: 2 J-hooks, 2 weight plate holders, pull-up bar

Warranty: 2-year warranty

Maximum weight capacity: 500lbs

10 Best Half Racks for Your Home Gym - Hulkfit Half Rack

8. Fitness Reality 810XLT Super Max Power Rack

The Fitness Reality 810XLT Super Max Power Rack has several great features like a 1.5-inch diameter pull-up bar with two adjustable maximum height options, 78” and 81”, multiple 2.75” deep J-hooks, 19.5 inch long padded spotter arms, landmine attachments, and much more. The base can also be anchored to the floor for added stability.

Working dimensions: 50.4″L x 50”W x 81.3″H

Construction: Heavy-duty 2×2 inch square steel tubing

Included accessories: 2.75” deep J-hooks, 1.5-inch diameter pull-up bar, resistance band bars, 

Warranty: 1-year limited warranty

Maximum weight capacity: 800lbs

10 Best Half Racks for Your Home Gym - Fitness Reality 810XLT Super Max Power Rack

9. ETHOS Folding Wall Rack

The ETHOS Folding Wall Rack is an excellent option for individuals with limited home gym space because it can be folded to the wall. It has a sturdy design and is quite affordable. However, buyers should be aware that the half rack is only compatible with other ETHOS accessories due to the unique design of its increments.

Working dimensions: 25″L x 49″W x 92″H (5.5″L x 57″W x 92″H when folded)

Construction: 11-gauge steel, 3×3″ uprights, powder-coated finish

Included accessories: J-hooks, adjustable pull-up bar

Warranty: Lifetime warranty

Maximum weight capacity: 1000lbs

10 Best Half Racks for Your Home Gym - ETHOS Folding Wall Rack

10. Fitness Gear Pro Half Rack

The Fitness Gear Pro Half Rack is a versatile and compact device that also comes with dip handles plus six weight holders located at the rear upright of the frame. The frame is made from 14-gauge steel and is probably not suitable for professional weightlifting, however, it’s still a great product for amateur weightlifters.

Working dimensions: 51″L x 65.7″W x 85″H

Construction: 14-gauge steel, 3×3″ uprights, powder-coated finish

Included accessories: J-hooks, adjustable pull-up bar, dip handles

Warranty: 1-year warranty

Maximum weight capacity: 600lbs

10 Best Half Racks for Your Home Gym - Fitness Gear Pro Half Rack

In Conclusion

Half racks are versatile exercise equipments that are ideal for any home gym setup. They come with a variety of accessories and features to ensure an effective workout. No matter what you’re looking for, we hope this quick guide on half-racks will help you to choose the best equipment that fits your budget and home gym space. 

Lat Pulldown Benefits: How to Build a Huge Back?

lat pulldown benefits

Do you know what the widest muscle in your body is? It is the latissimus dorsi, commonly known as lats. This muscle originates from your lower back and goes all the way up, attaching to the upper arm bone. 

It is also what gives your back the most desired ‘V’ shape.

The muscle protects your spine and helps you get a good posture. It supports your back, shoulder, and arm movements. A lat pulldown is an exercise that helps you work on this all-important muscle. The article will look at lat pulldown benefits, proper technique, variations, and how you can safely include the exercise in your fitness routine.

What Muscles Does a Lat Pulldown Target?

What Muscles Does a Lat Pulldown Target?

You will be using a lat pulldown machine to perform this exercise. It involves two phases. The first phase is the concentric phase, in which you will pull the lat bar towards your chest. The second phase is the eccentric phase, in which you will slowly return the bar to its starting position.

As the name suggests, the lat is the major muscle that the exercise targets. But many other muscle groups also get involved in the process of completing the above two phases. They are:

  • Teres Major
  • Posterior Deltoid
  • Upper, lower and middle Trapezius
  • Brachialis
  • Biceps Brachii
  • Triceps Brachii
  • Rotator Cuff  


10 Lat Pulldown Alternatives That are Equally Good

How to Do a Lat Pulldown: Proper Form, Techniques, and Variations

7 Best Lat Pull Down Machine for Your Home Gym

What are the Benefits Offered by Lat Pulldown?

A lat pulldown is a popular exercise among fitness enthusiasts. It is also a good alternative for exercises like pull-ups and chin-ups. Thus, as a beginner, you can start with lat pulldown, build your strength and then move on to advanced workouts.

Let us look at lat pulldown benefits to understand why the exercise deserves a spot in your workout routine.

1. Target Your Lats

Your lat muscles are an essential part of the upper body. So even if your end goal is not to build a huge back, you should still work on the muscle. This is because the muscle gets activated when you do simple tasks in your routine.

For example, pulling yourself upstairs, using the lawn mowing machine, lifting heavy bags from the floor, or pushing a piece of furniture like a chair or table.  

The exercise is compound in nature, but it primarily helps you target the lats. If you want to grow the muscle, you can use different variations and heavier weights as you progress.

2. Develop Upper-Body Strength 

Develop Upper-Body Strength 

When starting with lat pulldown, your focus should be on proper form and technique. Once you nail down the standard form, you can try different variations like wide, close grip, unilateral and straight arm, among others.

As your lats become stronger with regular workouts, you can gradually increase weights. In addition, these variations and weight limits will help strengthen other muscles like the biceps, pectoral, rhomboids, and traps, among others.

With increased upper body strength performing daily activities will become easier. If you are an athlete, your performance during sports like swimming, wrestling, and skiing can also improve.

3. Improve Your Posture

Improve Your Posture

Apart from providing strength, lat muscles protect and stabilize your spine. So working on your lats will help you stand straighter and taller. 

The way your shoulder blades go up and down during a lat pulldown leads to improved strength and functionality. It will prevent you from sagging your upper body while standing or sitting. 

When you hold and carry your body correctly, you naturally look confident. Did you know good posture can improve your mood and make you feel self-assured? Yes, it creates hormones in your brain that help it function better. It can make you feel calm and confident.

Apart from neurological benefits, good posture is important for your overall health. It can keep medical conditions, stress, and fatigue away.

4. Build Foundational Strength

Build Foundational Strength

The beauty of exercise is that its benefits easily flow into other areas of your life. For example, you may exercise to improve the physical state of your body. But the movements you perform lead to the creation of hormones such as serotonin and endorphins. These hormones help you sleep and manage your mood better.

Similarly, a lat pulldown helps develop upper body strength. With a strong upper body, other exercises become easier to perform while maintaining the correct form. 

For example, your upper and lower back muscles are also engaged when doing a deadlift. If these muscles are under-developed, you will have difficulty remaining stable during a deadlift. 

Thus, lat pulldowns help build foundational strength that is important for advancing on your fitness journey.

Get Rid of Muscle Tension

Get Rid of Muscle Tension

If your work involves sitting long hours hunched over a screen, you are likely to develop tension in your back muscles. If you do not stretch or strengthen your back, it can lead to pain, poor posture, and injury.

Stress is a major cause that can have a negative impact on your body’s nervous system. It can reduce blood flow to these muscles leading to pain.

Stretching and strengthening exercises like lat pulldown can engage these under-utilized back muscles. Sitting in front of a screen may be a task you cannot avoid. But with exercises, you can improve posture, reduce pain and keep injuries away.

How to Do a Lat Pulldown?

How to Do a Lat Pulldown?

Now that we have taken a look at lat pulldown benefits, let us understand the proper form and technique that will help you achieve these benefits.

Comfortably sit on the seat of the lat pulldown machine. Adjust the machine according to your body. Some machines come with variable seat heights. 

If there are thigh pads in place, ensure they sit snug over your upper thighs. They should prevent you from getting up during the exercise.

You can also adjust the chain or cable length, so the lat bar is at a comfortable height. Ideally, you should reach the bar with your outstretched arms without getting up. And at the same time, have room to extend the arms to have a greater range of motion.

Once these adjustments are made, you can start with the lat pulldown.

  • Step 1: Extend your arms and grip the lat bar while maintaining a distance of shoulder-width apart. If shoulder-width apart feels constricted, you can try a slightly wider grip.
  • Step 2: Pull in your abdominal muscles; it will provide you with superior stability. Slightly lean your body backward (not more than 20° to 30°).
  • Step 3: Pull the lat bar towards your chest. Squeeze your shoulder blades and flex your elbows. You should feel a stretch in your lats. Do not worry if you cannot pull the bar up to your chest. In the beginning, you can aim to get the bar at chin level.
  • Step 4: Hold the bar down for a couple of seconds.
  • Step 5: Slowly extend your elbows and return the bar to its original position. Ensure you have control over this movement. The weights or the bar should not bang when returning to the starting position.

Exhale when you pull the bar down and inhale when you return the lat bar to its original position.

What Mistakes to Avoid When Doing a Lat Pulldown?

What Mistakes to Avoid When Doing a Lat Pulldown?

You need to maintain proper form, grip, and breathing when following the lat pulldown steps mentioned above. 

Here are a few mistakes one should avoid, to perform the lat pulldown effectively.

  • Arched back – this is the most common mistake gym goers commit. When pulling and releasing the bar, your back should be straight. You can lean a bit backward, but the spine should be in a neutral form. An arched back can lead to back injuries.
  • Do not use the momentum generated to pull the lat bar down when performing reps. Have control over the pulling and releasing movement. If you use momentum, you will not completely engage your lat muscles.
  • When pulling the bar down, your elbows should be in line with your body. You may have the range of motion to pull the bar below chest level, but your elbows will be pushed back away from the torso. This can unnecessarily put pressure on your shoulder joints. 
  • Do not use excessive strength from your forearms while pulling. If your forearms are being engaged more than the target muscles, it could mean you are using heavier weights.     

What Variations of Lat Pulldown Can Help Build a Huge Back?

Lat pulldown is an exercise that can keep your workout session interesting with different variations. As you advance, you can try different grips and positions to meet your goal of building a huge back.

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

In this exercise variation, you will be holding the lat bar wider than the shoulder-width apart. Be careful not to grip the bar at the extreme ends, as you can lose stability while exercising. A wide grip lat pulldown focuses more on your triceps.

Keep the weights on the lower side for a better form. 

Close Grip Lat Pulldown

Close Grip Lat Pulldown

You will perform the exercise similarly to the standard pulldown explained above. The difference lies in how you hold the lat bar. Place your arms at the center of the lat bar. Your palms should be facing you.

You can alternatively use handles that you usually use when performing rows. This variation offers a greater range of motion and increases bicep engagement.

Unilateral Lat Pulldown

Unilateral Lat Pulldown

It is common for people to have a specific stronger side. The problem is that your stronger side might do the heavy lifting during a standard pulldown while leaving your weaker side under-developed. With a unilateral pulldown, you can focus on both sides of your body.

You can attach a handle to the lat pulldown machine. Remain seated, and place the non-working hand on top of the thigh pad. Now, with the side you are targeting, pull the handle towards the side of your chest. Your elbow should be close to the torso and facing the ground.

Maintain the position for a couple of seconds and return the handle up. Repeat the action and then switch sides.

Straight Arm Lat Pulldown

In this version of lat pulldown, you will be standing. Grasp the lat bar and take a couple of steps back to allow for a free range of motion. Bend your knees slightly to avoid pressure on them.

Hold the lat bar as you would in a standard lat pulldown, shoulder-width apart and palms facing away from you. Pull the bar towards your hips/thighs. Extend your arms with a slight bend in your elbows. Hold the position for a second or two and then return to the original position.

A straight arm lat pulldown is a variation that effectively isolates the lats and helps you build a bigger back.

How to Get Started with Lat Pulldown as a Beginner?

How to Get Started with Lat Pulldown as a Beginner?

If you are new to lat pulldowns, we recommend you first concentrate on learning and practicing the proper form. You may be capable of lifting heavier weights, but keep the weights on the lower side at the beginning with lat pulldowns.

Learn about common mistakes and consciously avoid them during exercise. For example, back-arching, using forearm muscles, or using momentum should be avoided.

Start with the standard shoulder-width apart grip. Once you get comfortable with the movement, you switch to other grips.

As with every exercise, start slow. Aim for 8 to 10 reps and 2 to 3 sets. As you gain confidence, you can opt for higher reps and weights.   


A lat pulldown is an effective exercise to target the widest muscle in your body. Apart from lats, it also helps target other muscles such as the pectoralis major, brachialis, biceps, triceps, and abdominals.

Improved upper body strength, posture, and good foundational strength are some of the lat pulldown benefits you can look forward to. It can aid in maintaining overall health, relieving pain, and keeping back injuries at bay. In addition, it is an excellent exercise to build a huge back.

Once you master the standard version, there are other variations you can try to target different muscle groups and keep your workout routine interesting. When it comes to strength training exercises, focus on form to achieve desired results.

Ten Lat Pulldown Alternatives That are Equally Good

lat pulldown alternative

Your lats are on the biggest back muscle groups. Working on these muscles will give your body good proportion and posture. It will also help develop foundational strength for activities you perform routinely.

A lat pulldown is an excellent way to target back muscles. Apart from the lats, they focus on other muscles like traps, biceps, triceps, and posterior deltoids, among others. The exercise is performed using a lat pulldown machine.

But what if your home gym cannot accommodate a machine? Do not worry. There are several lat pulldown alternatives available. You can perform these exercises from your home gym with minimal gym equipment.


How to Do a Lat Pulldown: Proper Form, Techniques, and Variations

7 Best Lat Pull Down Machine for Your Home Gym

5 Best Compact Home Gym Equipment For Small Spaces

Lat Pulldown Benefits: How to Build a Huge Back?

Alternative Lat Pulldowns that are Equally Good

 Here are some alternative exercises that you can perform using gym equipment such as resistance bands, dumbbells, weights plates, barbells, etc.

1. Resistance Band Pulldown

Image Credit: https://blog.joggo.run/how-to-do-resistance-band-lat-pulldown-properly-at-home/

One of the quickest and most inexpensive ways of working your lat muscles is using resistance bands.

Not every home gym has the space to accommodate a lat machine. And for beginners, it might not be easy to complete advanced exercises like a pull-up or chin-ups.

A resistance band takes up less space and is also a beginner-friendly way of working your back muscle.

Steps to Perform

  • Anchor the resistance band to an elevated surface. It could be any bar on the wall. You should have enough space to sit, outstretch your arms and create tension for the exercise.
  • Next, sit below the anchored resistance band and pull it straight down.
  • Your palms should be facing towards you. Your elbow should also be in line with your torso and pointing downwards.
  • Maintain this position for a couple of seconds and then slowly go back to the neutral starting position. Ensure you have control over the movement.

2. Resistance Band Straight Arm Pulldown

Image Credit: https://i.ytimg.com/

If you can easily complete the sets using the above exercise, give the straight arm pulldown a try. This variation offers higher intensity compared to the standard pulldown version.

Steps to Perform

  • Anchor the resistance band to a power cage or a pull-up bar.
  • Find your starting position by holding the resistance band in a neutral grip and walking back a few steps. Next, lean your back forward by 45°. This is your starting position.
  • Pull the band closer to your hips/thighs while keeping your hands straight and in line with your torso. Hold the pose for a couple of seconds and slowly get back to the starting point.

3. Single-Arm Dumbbell Row

Single-Arm Dumbbell Row
Image Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/3jAN9InapQI

Free weights are an excellent investment choice for any home gym. You can perform a range of exercises, target different muscle groups and achieve your fitness goals, even with limited space.

The single-arm dumbbell row is an exercise you can personalize according to your skill and fitness level.

Steps to Perform

  • Sit on a comfortable and stable surface, preferably a bench. You should have space to extend your arms completely.
  • You will be sitting parallel to the bench, face pointing downwards. Use your opposite arm and leg to support yourself. Use a light dumbbell to begin. Completely extend the arm with the dumbbell; this is your starting position.
  • Pull the extended arm upwards towards your torso. Focus on the movement to ensure you are engaging your lat muscles.
  • Hold for a couple of seconds and again extend the arm in a controlled manner.

4. Dumbbell Pullovers

Dumbbell Pullovers
Image Credit: https://www.muscleandfitness.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Muscular-Topless-Male-Performing-Lying-Dumbbell-Pullover-End-Position.jpg?quality=86&strip=all

The exercise is usually used to focus on chest muscles, but it also helps develop your lats. It is a preferred exercise among fitness enthusiasts as it provides a greater range of motion.

You can always use a pullover machine if you have access to it. But, if not, a dumbbell will do just fine.

Steps to Perform

  • Lie flat on a stable surface. Hold the dumbbell using both your hands above your chest. Your arms should be fully extended.
  • Slowly draw the dumbbell over your head. Keep drawing until the weight reaches your head level. Hold the weight down for a couple of seconds to get your lat muscles worked up.
  • Draw the dumbbell back to the original position at the top.

As a beginner, it is best to stick to light weights you can handle. You can gradually increase resistance.

5. Pull-Up

Image Credit: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-shirtless-man-doing-pull-ups-7187872/

A pull-up is the ‘original’ exercise that works best on lat muscles. They also help engage your core. Moreover, pull-ups can be easily done from the comfort of your home with minimal equipment.

Steps to Perform

  • You can use a pull-up bar on the power rack/cage or mount the bar to the wall. If you have access to a sturdy and stable rod to hang from, that works fine as well.
  • Grip the bar a little wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Pull your body upwards. Ensure your arms are straight and are in line with your body.
  • Lower your body back to the original position in a controlled manner.

6. Chin-Up

Image Credit: https://www.byrdie.com/thmb/pVWTQh9LEdysKEIYxyGvTx4xRaA=/1000×800/filters:fill(auto,1)/chinup-86e9f2cd49a346389f3baf4a5f417a9c.jpg

A chin-up is a closed grip version of the lat pulldown. It works on your lat, biceps, and posterior deltoid muscles. Your bodyweight acts as resistance when performing this move.

Similar to the pull-up, a pull-up bar fitted over the wall should be enough to get you going.

Steps to Perform

  • Grip the bar with your palms facing towards you. Maintain a distance of shoulder-width apart. Your feet will be in the air.
  • Pull your body upwards until your chest is close to the bar. Your elbows will be pointing downwards. Hold the position for a couple of seconds.
  • Lower your body in a controlled manner.

7. Barbell Rows

Barbell Rows
Image Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/nA0UDNDbxys

This alternative to lat pulldown helps target your lats, posterior deltoids, and traps. You can consider barbell rows as the next step of dumbbell rows. You can add more weight and increase the intensity with this move.

Steps to Perform

  • Keep your feet shoulder-width apart. The barbell should be placed closer to your mid-foot.
  • Bend over the barbell. Ideally, your torso should be parallel to the ground. But it is alright if you cannot bend to that degree. You will develop that flexibility over time.
  • Grip the barbell with your palms facing toward you.
  • Pull the barbell towards your body.
  • Hold for a couple of seconds and lower the barbell in a controlled manner.

8. Barbell Pullover

Barbell Pullover
Image Credit: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/xLqf-9SyyXc/maxresdefault.jpg

A barbell pullover is similar to a dumbbell pullover. You will use a barbell instead of a dumbbell, so the technique will slightly differ.

Steps to Perform

  • Lie flat on a bench. Hold the barbell above your chest. Maintain a distance of shoulder-width apart between your arms; they should be extended and straight.
  • Pull the barbell down over your head. Keep pulling till the bar reaches your head level or till your mobility allows. You can bend your elbows but ensure they are in line with your body.
  • Raise the barbell to the starting position in a controlled manner.

9. T-Bar Rows

T-Bar Rows
Image Credit: https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/sites/default/files/machine-t-bar-row.jpg

Using a barbell, weights, and a T-bar handle is another effective alternative to a lat pulldown. If your power rack or cage comes with a landmine attachment, you can use it to support the empty end of the barbell.

If you do not have a power rack/cage, you can simply support the empty end of the barbell against a corner in your basement.

Steps to Perform

  • Add weights to one end of the barbell. Attach the T-bar handle. Use a landmine unit or a strong corner to support the other end of the barbell.
  • Keep your legs shoulder-width apart, knees bent, and place the barbell between your legs.
  • Bend at the hips and pull the barbell closer to your chest.
  • Hold for a couple and seconds and return to the starting position.

10. Cable Rows

Cable Rows
Image Credit: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/i3a9YZ8RglM/maxresdefault.jpg

If you have access to a cable row machine, it can be utilized to perform different exercises to strengthen your upper body. Depending on your convenience and skill, you can choose to sit or stand for this exercise.

Steps to Perform

  • A narrow-grip attachment would be preferable for this alternative.
  • You can sit or stand in front of the machine. Either way, your torso should be straight with a slight forward lean.
  • Pull the cable towards your torso. Your elbows should be close to your body. The degree to which the elbows are close to your body will determine how much of your lats will be engaged during the exercise.
  • Return to the original position by extending your arms forward.


So there, you have ten lat pulldown alternatives that will help exercise your back muscles.

When performing these alternatives, focus on engaging the right muscle groups. For example, with a dumbbell, barbell, or T-bar row, you will end up using your forearms if the weight is more than what you can handle.

So, begin small, practice the form and technique, and then over time, increase its intensity. If you want to grow your lat muscles, use lighter weights and increase repetitions. If you want to build strength, increase the weight and stick to lower repetitions.